Is this true? If you thought that GMO vaccinations with - TopicsExpress


Is this true? If you thought that GMO vaccinations with live viruses being released into the community was bad enough, please realise that Tony Abbot is negotiating a deal with the Obama Administration to sign the Trans Pacific Partnership (or TPP) behind closed doors without most of the people in the Pacific nations and their local politicians having much knowledge about it. Below is a 10 minute video that brings forth all the sleazy issues behind this treaty. I urge you to watch it as what is revealed affects everyone affected by the treaty. What it could do for the 5 power companies regarding the installation of Smart Meters is this. The TPP will enable any corporation (whether foreign or locally owned) to have the right to sue any government that has laws preventing them from conducting their business any way they like. Yes, you heard it right. In other words, if the power companies say that the Electricity Distribution Code (that is there to protect your rights to an ‘Essential Service’) is preventing them from installing a Smart Meter in your home, the TPP will enable these companies to sue (say) the Victorian Government if they oppose relinquishing that legislation. Naturally, this will occur in the other Australian States, so this strategy appears to be how Smart Meters will be introduced throughout Australia very soon. What do you think these governments will do? They will give in to the corporation’s demands – naturally. What will this new situation mean for We the People? It will allow for more corporate bullying to increase towards us. “Essential Services” will become a thing of the past. It will become a “User Pays” service – and this will extend to gas and water very soon. What rights we believe we currently have to these services will quickly vanish. Corporate Law will rule our country and the Courts will uphold each corporation’s rights to sue anyone who threatens their right to do business based on the TPP. Another example is the Fracking industry, which will benefit enormously from the TPP. It will allow these companies free access to drill wells anywhere they want to go. This means that all government regulation on all industries will quickly disappear (if we believe we have any now) and foreign corporations will be effectively running our country. God help us! All this new power transfer will affect every aspect of our daily lives. This is the BIG game changer in our society – not only for Australia, but for the rest of the world. I suggest that you do some research on the TPP and if you discover as I did how sinister and ‘evil’ this treaty is, then don’t just sit there: Write (or preferably email) ALL the media – your local newspaper and the mainstream media too. If the people you contact fail to respond, the follow them up with a phone call (maybe ten if needed) until you get an acceptable response by seeing the article appear. Don’t stop pestering them. Repeat point 1 to your Federal politicians Remember, don’t take platitudes from them. Demand they represent your interests in Parliament by having the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister and Minister for Trade come clean on this. Repeat point 2 to your State politicians. Contact your Lower House and 5 Upper House State members and DEMAND they do something!! Tell everyone about this. If this legislation is allowed to be passed – and this could happen before Christmas, kiss your Aussie lifestyle goodbye together with any future that you, your children and you’re your grandchildren might have in Australia. If there was any one single issue worth fighting for at a time like this – then this is it!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 05:37:11 +0000

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