Is this what you want for your POTUS? I think - TopicsExpress


Is this what you want for your POTUS? I think not!!! [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] Watchdog Reports Security costs to protect Walker, Kleefisch continue to rise By Devon Waugh and Daniel Bice of the Journal Sentinel July 12, 2014 The cost of protecting the states top two officials has more than tripled under Gov. Scott Walker — largely the result of a beefed-up security team and around-the-clock surveillance of his Wauwatosa home. Taxpayers spent more than $2.23 million in 2013 for 10 state troopers to protect Walker and his family, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and out-of-state officials visiting Wisconsin. That was up from $657,457 paid for security for Gov. Jim Doyle during his last year in office in 2010. Overall, it has cost the state more than $5.75 million to protect the first-term Republican governor. That figure includes all costs associated with providing security for Walker on at least 110 out-of-state trips — including ones for official, campaign and personal reasons — during his first three years in office, according to documents released to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel under the states open records law. For instance, Walker took one trooper to provide security on his familys weeklong vacation to the Bahamas in August. In an interview last week, Walker defended the use of a state bodyguard for his vacation. Thats the only personal vacation Ive taken since Ive been governor, Walker said during a stop in New Berlin on Tuesday. We dont comment on security. Governors dont historically comment on it. Doyle once came under fire for taking state security to a conference in Cancun shortly before he left office. A large part of the increase in spending on security came as a result of Walkers decision to add five members to the Dignitary Protection Unit, the official name of the security team, in response to the 2011 protests over Act 10. The first-term governor sparked protests around the state and at the Capitol with his sweeping plan to curtail collective bargaining for most public employees. Both Walker and Kleefisch were the target of death threats during the frenzied debate over the bill. Have you been asleep for the past three years? Walker said Tuesday when pressed about his rising security budget. Thad Nation, a former top adviser to Doyle, said Friday that the two-term Democrat also received death threats, especially after vetoing concealed-carry legislation three times. It happens with every governor, Nation said, adding that Doyle didnt make a big deal of it but reported the threats to the FBI. Other factors have also drivenup security costs. Records show that: ■Taxpayers have paid some $978,000 to provide security for Walkers home in Wauwatosa — a figure that continues to rise sharply even though his two sons are at college and the governor has said hes spending more nights at the Executive Residence in Maple Bluff. ■Spending on items designated other expenses has increased from $32,224 in 2009 to $262,986 last year. This covers the cost of everything from bulletproof vests to movie tickets. ■The number of out-of-state trips for which security has accompanied Walker has increased as his national profile has risen and he is increasingly seen as a possible 2016 presidential candidate. In 2011, he had state-funded security for 30 trips outside Wisconsin, a number that rose to 44 by 2013. Neither the National Governors Association nor the National Governors Security Association keeps statistics on the costs of protecting governors around the country. Travel records The newly released records provide the most comprehensive list of Walkers travel during his first three years in office. According to the documents, the state paid $12,582 for lodging and airfare for five bodyguards to travel to Tampa, Fla., in the late summer of 2012. The Republican National Convention was held in Tampa in August 2012, and Walker spoke at the event. Likewise, the state paid for a bodyguard to fly to New York, stay at a hotel and rent a car in January 2012. Also that month, Walker attended a $2,500-per-person fundraiser hosted by former AIG CEO Maurice Hank Greenberg at his Park Ave. office in New York. But the documents often make it hard to determine which security expenditures are tied to which trip. Billionaire oilmen David and Charles Koch hold an annual summer and winter retreat near Vail, Colo., as does Milwaukee mutual fund manager Richard Strong. But Walkers campaign wouldnt say if any of the four trips his security team took with him to Colorado had to do with the Koch or Strong meetings. On three occasions, security accompanied Walker to Sea Island, Ga., site of a high-powered but secretive forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute and attended by major Republican donors. Its not known if that was the purpose for the three trips, though Walker — and other potential GOP presidential contenders — did attend the 2014 session at The Cloister, according to The Associated Press. Also in 2013, Walker went to Fayetteville, Ark., to speak at a dinner for young Republicans. There were no reported expenses for airfare or lodging for his security. But a Wisconsin bodyguard reported renting a vehicle around this time in Bentonville, Ark., home of mega-retailer Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Walkers campaign reported receiving a $10,000 donation from Christy Walton, a Walmart heir, a month later. Walkers campaign released a general statement in response to questions about specific trips and expenditures. Governor Walker is frequently invited to talk about Wisconsins successful reforms, Walker campaign spokeswoman Alleigh Marré said. Hes been happy to share his common sense message with grass-roots conservatives in their states. Time split between homes Walker has traveled outside Wisconsin more regularly than his predecessor did during his final years in office. Records show Doyle took 34 out-of-state trips in his final two years as governor. Walker has taken more than that many in each of the past two years. Jocelyn Webster, communications director for Walker, said the governor is doing nothing new with his security detail. As has happened with previous governors, DPU (Dignitary Protection Unit) provides 24/7 security for the governor, regardless of event purpose, said Webster. For example, under Governor Doyle, security was provided during official, political, and personal functions and trips. Webster said Walker does reimburse the state when using state vehicles or planes for campaign-related travel. Since taking office, Walkers campaign had returned $82,389 to the state as a result. Dave Erwin, the Capitol Police Department chief who oversaw the security team for both Doyle and Walker, refused to comment last week on these issues. Walker has broken from past practice in one regard. He continues to split his time between the governors mansion and his home in Wauwatosa. Doyle sold his Madison home and moved to the mansion. A rotation of state troopers — who are eligible for uncapped overtime pay after 40 work hours in a week — provide protection around the clock at both of Walkers residences. At his Wauwatosa home, the cost of security has risen by 241% since Walker took office, reaching $144,054 in the first quarter of 2014. Walker declined to say last week why the security costs continue to rise for his Wauwatosa home. Its the same reason police dont talk about whats happened at a site, Walker said. When were talking about details about security, it puts people at risk. Along with that, Webster noted that a portion of the increase could be attributed to the decision to provide security for Kleefisch in response to the Act 10 protests and death threats.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 02:32:54 +0000

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