Is this where it ends? Its likely. What would the lefts say now? - TopicsExpress


Is this where it ends? Its likely. What would the lefts say now? More raves about capitalism, more irrational calls for kits-socialism, just add water and stir. The strike does scream that the present system is unsustainable. But what is the future of the poorly educated workers who the present system doesnt offer many alternatives? What of their children? What of the many workers who will loose employment in the downstream service companies? There is no short cut to socialism. There has to be a more comprehensive programme that will involve long and purposeful struggle. Look around you. Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, all face similar problems - and have had much greater post-liberation movements. A real left will unite huge numbers, including the middle class and link up with similar movements in such countries, as well as with the democratic and pro-poor forces in Swaziland, Lesotho and elsewhere. Nothing short of that scale will take us anywhere. And that is why a way a transitional programme is needed. Screaming for socialism and nationalisation is not the route.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 04:10:53 +0000

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