Is this why Im called Crazy or Extremist by some, an - TopicsExpress


Is this why Im called Crazy or Extremist by some, an Unconventional Leader by others and a Watchman by The Most High? Although attacked by many for: 1. Bus crisis that got the Belizean Bus Owners Cooperative back on the road - Glory be to God *(Not even the Prime Minister would agree with the ConComCow folks that the Actions of his government were proper - yet certain Belizean Pharisees and UDP cronies still attack me for this.) 2. 8th Amendment to the constitution of Belize called preventitive detention which thank God was thrown out. *(After vehemently justifying this amendment, PM had to pull it for its far reaching provisions.) 3. The Ninth Amendment which was by any measure the most dictatorial amendment Belize has ever seen; which thank God; saw the majority of its dictatorial principles scrapped. *(Even UDP political appointees were stunned at the depth of Dictatorship that this Amendment wouldve brought.) 4. Jasmine Alert ( - for which I have received criticism yet 99.9% of those who criticize have never spent one penny on the safety of the children of Belize although they themselves have either children or siblings in Belize. Although I have neither, Ive financed this program for well over two years! *Note that the Belmopan Commander and other police officers with him actually REDICULED me, staying that the Jasmine Alert program I was promoting could Never be launched in less than 30 days and would instead take over a year to launch! With Gods help and a forward looking Commissioner of Police, we did it in less than 30 days and NOT ONE CHILD HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AND KILLED since, glory to God! 5. The study I required my students to do in line with our class project, which proved that the University of Belize had been and continues to, Rape The students/sponsors of their hard earned money. Even after working with the University for 18 months and receiving a paycheck the spokesperson for the university declared that I wasnt on their books as a lecturer or professor. Please also note that I left a job in the United States making nine hundred percent more, (as an Information Technology Profesor at DeVry University) than I was being paid here at the University of Belize. 6. The Gender Policy fight: for not marching to the drums of the religious elite Scott Stirm and his connection at the Evangelical Association and Ms. Maria Zabaneh! - Marching to the University of Belize against the creation of a gender department, although days later after denying the creation of the Department, UB notified students to take their gender classes online. - Occupy Belmopan in which we spent 45 days; day and night, pressuring government to respond by completely withdrawing the gender policy and removing its LGBT agenda and releasing it with the information it currently has (less LGBT). I was wrong here according to some, because I did not do it with the consent of the religious Elitists. Now these are the same religious elitist that the Prime Minister has been toying with that he will meet with them in July, August, September, now maybe October. - Confront PM at Independence Day celebration, because evidently according to these religious Elitists, this is a solemn day that should not be violated for its holiness of being the day of Independence. Folks you are not independent you are dependent. That is why the Prime Minister announced making you more dependent in December of 2014 with bribe money for your home loans! And what did you do when he announced making you more Dependent on Independence Day? You clapped and you got excited. What blatant ignorance! With ALL THIS, ALL I CAN SAY IS that I AM A WATCHMAN in Belize, sent by General Jesus Christ! Just as the religious leaders (Pharisees) hated Him then, the Religious Elitists of Belize, hate me now! Richard Smith Richard Harrison Louis M Jr Wade Geovanni Brackett Joelyn Flowers Poornananda Shelly Usher Lance Lewis Jose L Ruiz Jose Sanchez Jose Vallejo Paco Smith. Emerson Guild Emerson Nah Oscar Barrera Roldan Rios Sagri Ku Ester Yacab Esther Lanza McCord Brenda Menzies Edwin Tábora
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:17:25 +0000

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