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How many calories to burn one pound? You have to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound of weight. What is your weight? ================================================================================================================ Niwn ^ Duwn = °7 SENSE ================================================================================================================ Sat)*(tyN = -4° sense (S)pice = °12 m(*) m)*(nt Prees sure = 1 sat I tun ? ======================================================================================================================================================================== Molt u VURT u RECT upewn = Tech bot ? Bat Tuch ? ================================================================================================================ SALT na no nx nn ? SULT nu ne ny ni ? 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It INN ALL WAYs or FOREVERs........... IF our CREATOR has SENSEsinceSensations..... IF GOD Positioned?IF GOD Aloed? IF GOD Allowed t2o MUCH P.A.I.Ns INN one AREA of THOUGHT ? WILL GOD HVAE aHeadACHE or ? ALL of USMinds INN 1 ? Mind............ GENESIS 4 ((( (DO ALL ?minds OR ?Dew ALL thought.... ) )))((( ( ?Correct ALL they ?LOVE Luv N.O.U.N.) ))) IS the Vocabulary WORD ///Emotion\\\\ ?A Description OF....((( (What) ))) is..... 2 UNDERSTOOD, or 1 THOUGHT *We *Hi *Es *iN..... ?After 6 or *Bee FORE 7...... WHYY in WHO M.N.D arre WeeN no el.... >INN >who > Mic ri chp ? Mic ru rvb ? Are yi SML TI THUN UN fetus TIED ? WE GOT A AppFour THAT? MATThew(*) 242 DaNIEL 7....Elect From THE 4 Fore? WindsOR forRA Reciprocating Corners OF our CREATOR ? Mind@ EXpain CareFULLY......... ? Most High.? DOES Some1 Needs TO Forgive GOD~=+=~? His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and? All Rulers or (((THOUGHT))) sWiLLs Worship ? .AnD. ?Obey WHO Genders O.R. Genres, ORE Jargons ((( (. .. . ...Slangs INN... .. .. . ) ))) Deuteronomuy 28..... The Jackson 5 - The Little Drummer Boy youtube/watch?v=W2J6i6nUsRc1970 - The Jackson 5 Christmas Album1 of 1Choose a Thumbnail Proverbs 3:19 Cross References Psalm 104:24 O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; The earth is full of Your possessions. Proverbs 8:27 When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep, Proverbs 8:28 When He made firm the skies above, When the springs of t... Dec 24, 2011 2 THANK ÷ 7 THUNK = M ELT ^ mold = sation avU Sense ? SATION is PRESS sure ? El melt is ? E mold was call ev ^ ve nit U nTHIHTn ? Matt hew 24 Two Heavy People Talk around in WHII ? ? KNOW talking If yuo COUNT and WRITE at THE SANE time THES is BRAIN inspect en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Ten_Virgins Moom & Deed ? youtu.be/D1zkVBHPh5c H at 10 * L at 40 ? T at 50 ? H at 60 ? Y at ? 2 Tech TECH boards ? 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Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 02:08:45 +0000

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