Is war coming to Ukraine? Im not gonna pretend I have a deep - TopicsExpress


Is war coming to Ukraine? Im not gonna pretend I have a deep handle on whats happening in Ukraine. Seems like Soviet revisionism pretty thoroughly poisoned the well for radical politics there: by my count there are unsavory ultra-nationalists, fascists, neoliberals, ethnic cleansers, oligarchs and authoritarians pitted against each other in multiple and overlapping combinations on both sides of the barricades. My solidarity goes out to the regular people struggling for an actual better world for themselves. That said, its clear that what must stop immediately is imperialist intervention. The bullying and hypocritical interventionist machinations of president Obama, Obamas CIA and Obamas diplomatic nest of vipers like Victoria Nuland must be firmly opposed and resisted; and furthermore any US contractors, ie, mercenaries, must be mercilessly suppressed, expelled, or otherwise crushed. Let the Russian people deal with Putin, for whom I hold nothing but contempt. But our duty as people inside the belly of the beast here in the USA, is to do what we can to stop dead in its tracks yet another imperialist adventure by our own government. As always, our main enemy is right here at home.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 23:33:50 +0000

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