Is your New Years Resolution to lose weight? This may help! 10 - TopicsExpress


Is your New Years Resolution to lose weight? This may help! 10 WAYS TO EAT BETTER IN 2015 10. Replace fat-free foods with the regular version: Good fat doesn’t make you fat. And fat-free versions of food are typically packed with trans fats and artificial sweeteners. 9. Swap ice cream for Greek yogurt. 8. Stay away from vegetable oils. Use coconut oil, olive oil, butter, and even lard instead. 7. Replace processed meats with real meats 6. Stop eating cereal and bread for breakfast. Have oatmeal instead. 5. Shape Up. If you need help getting in gear, Xbox One’s new game Shape Up offers an online service that lets you create your own personalized fitness and meal plans. 4. Kick the candy habit. Get your sweet fix from dark chocolate or dried fruit instead. 3. Stop eating things in packages. Reach for food that can actually go bad. 2. Instead of drinking fruit juice, eat fruit instead. Fruit juices are full of sugar. 1. Replace margarine with butter.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:37:50 +0000

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