Is your glass half empty, or half full? Just like there are two - TopicsExpress


Is your glass half empty, or half full? Just like there are two sides to every coin, there are two perspectives to just about everything in life. Optimists are typically happier, healthier, and even wealthier, but in today’s tough times, you may be struggling to stay positive. When you take a step back and think about it, it’s no wonder so many people are in a crappy mood. Think about all the negative news on the radio, television and in the newspapers. The way you look at things, or your perspective, influences everything. As humans, we’re subjective creatures and consequently, we don’t typically see things in purely objective terms, instead, we see them through a filter. You and I each have our own personality and our personality alters our perceptions. Introverts and extraverts see life differently. Optimists and pessimists have a different take on life. If you are depressed or leaning that way, your life may seem rather gray. If you’re anxious, everything may seem to be at a slightly higher speed. You have the power and the choice to shift your perspectives and turn your frown upside down and into a smile. Here’s some ways to help you have a better day: ♥ Tell yourself it’s going to be a great day -- The first thing you should say (or think) to yourself immediately upon waking up is ”Today is going to be a great and marvelous day!” You have the power, control, and choice on what kind of day you’re going to have. By telling yourself that today is going to be great, it sets your mind with a winner’s outlook. Your mind is a very powerful thing, so it’s important to feed it positive things. ♥ Get up a 15 minutes earlier -- How often does your morning start off in a panic because you need to get to work on time? Rushing around the house doesn’t seem to make things any better. Choose to set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than normal so you have time for your body and brain to wake up and you can get ready for work stress free. ♥ Eat a healthy breakfast -- Yes, your mood can be affected by the things you eat. Choose to jumpstart your positive day by eating something healthy for breakfast, such as protein, whole grains and fresh fruits. Your brain and body need nutrients to be able to do the things you want to accomplish. ♥ Make a happy list -- How often do you dwell on the things that make you sad? Today, make a list of the things that make you happy and focus, or concentrate or them. It does take a little training to get your brain automatically focusing on the good, but by making a list of happy things, and referring to it regularly (every time you feel sad, or negative), you can reprogram your brain to a more positive thought process ♥ Prioritize your tasks -- Stress is a very common reason for us to have a bad day. When you have a long “to-do” list, it can make your day, and stress, seem overwhelming. If you have a lot of things to do, rank your tasks from one to 10 (one being the most important and 10 being the least) and then work your way through them, starting with the most important and check them off as you get them done -- It will give you a sense of accomplishment. You can also the most unpleasant ones first to get them out of the way. Other things to help improve your feelings of gratitude, increase your energy level, and boost your mood include: ♥ Put on a smile and fake a happy attitude -- Believe it or not, your brain gets feedback from your face—so if you force yourself to smile, you may actually feel better. ♥ Give someone a hug -- A warm embrace has the power to boost your body’s natural feel-good hormones. As a result, not only do you feel better, it can reduce your stress and create a feeling of mutual trust. If you don’t want to share a hug, even doing a high-five can release those happy hormones. ♥ Sweat it out -- Go walk your dog, take a run, or simply dance around your house for 30 minutes. Anything that gets your blood flowing and makes you sweat will release endorphins (your feel-good hormones) which in turn can boost your mood, and your day. ♥ Sniff a lemon -- Yes, you read that right, sniff a lemon. Scientists have found that citrus scents, and especially lemon, can help boost your mood and even help alleviate depression. The reason behind it is the scent of a lemon boosts your levels of serotonin (your feel-good hormone) and it can lower your levels of norepinephrine (a stress hormone). ♥ Take a bath -- Instead of a speedy shower, make some time to have a long, relaxing bubble bath and spend some time on your personal appearance. Your day always seems to go better when you feel your best. ♥ Compliment yourself -- Think about how when you get a compliment, it helps perk up your day, you don’t have to wait for someone else to give you a compliment, give yourself one once in a while. Just don’t be conceited because others don’t care for egotistical individuals. You can also make an effort to compliment others as well as it will help you build better relationship. Word of caution however, please make sure your compliments are genuine. ♥ Lighten up and laugh -- Did you know that comedians tend to live very long lives? The reason is they are masters in finding humor in just about everything…even unfunny or embarrassing situations. Granted, it’s not always easy to see the lighter side in things, it is helpful. Humor is actually an effective antidote to every ailment, anxiety, or adversity. Go watch a funny movie or spend time with a friend who makes you laugh…it’s therapeutic!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 18:26:55 +0000

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