Is your screenplay perfect? Take the SCREENPLAY TEST RULES to - TopicsExpress


Is your screenplay perfect? Take the SCREENPLAY TEST RULES to find out. (1) Take the 7 Quizes (2) Score each Quiz with a 1-3 for “Very Poor”, 4-6 for “Adequate”, 7-8 for “Good”, 9 for “Very Good” and 10 for “Excellent” A: EYE QUIZ: When reading your script do your eyes flow down the page, instead of movie left to right, line-by-line? SCORE (1-10) _______________ B. LINE 7-9 QUIZ: You must hook readers/viewers in the first 15-20 seconds. Does something shocking happen in your script by Line 7-9 of page one to grab the reader? SCORE (1-10) ___________________ C. PAGE 1 QUIZ: Does something happen, a 2nd shocker/grabber, at the bottom of Page one (one minute into the film) to hold the tv viewer through the commercials or grab the reader who really doesn’t want to read another bloody script from a nobody? SCORE (1-10) ___________________ D. 10-PAGE QUIZ: Do your first ten pages make the reader to want more? SCORE (1-10) __________________ E. PLOT QUIZ: Do you manipulate your reader, every 10-14 pages (or minutes, in tv 2 commercial breaks), with expecting something to happen, and then throw in a sudden twist out of nowhere…but is logical? SCORE (1-10) ____________________ F. CHARACTER QUIZ: Can you sit down and outline three reasons why each character is unique? SCORE (1-10) ___________________ G. DIALOGUE QUIZ: Pick any page in your script. Put your thumb over the character’s name above a line of dialogue. Can you tell from just the dialogue which character is peaking? Can you even tell if the character is a man or a woman just by the dialogue? SCORE (1-10) _________________ Test over. Now add up the score. It will be between 7-70. What did you come up with? 33? 48? 67? 68? If your score is anything but “70”, yes perfect, your script sucks. 50-60 is horrendous. 65-67 isn’t good enough. 69 isn’t perfect.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:00:00 +0000

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