Isa 24:1 Lo, Jehovah empties the land and makes it bare, and - TopicsExpress


Isa 24:1 Lo, Jehovah empties the land and makes it bare, and distorts its face, and scatters those living in it. Isa 24:2 And as it is with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with the master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the creditor, so with the debtor. Isa 24:3 The land shall completely be emptied and utterly stripped, for Jehovah has spoken this Word. Isa 24:4 The land mourns and languishes; the world droops and languishes; the proud people of the earth droop. Isa 24:5 And the earth is profaned under those living in it, because they transgress laws and violate a statute, and break the everlasting covenant. Isa 24:6 On account of this a curse has devoured the land; and they who live in it are held guilty. For this those living in the land are consumed, and few men are left. Isa 24:7 The new wine has failed; the vine droops; all the merry-hearted sigh. Isa 24:8 The exultation of timbrels ceases; the noise of those who revel ends; the exultation of the harp ceases. Isa 24:9 They shall not drink wine with a song; fermented drink shall be bitter to those who drink it. Isa 24:10 The city of shame is broken down; every house is shut, that no one may enter. Isa 24:11 A crying over the wine is in the streets; all joy is darkened; the gladness in the land is exiled. Isa 24:12 Desolation is remaining in the city, and a ruin; the gate is battered. Isa 24:13 For it is thus in the midst of the land, among the peoples, it shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and as gleanings when the grape harvest is completed.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 02:26:53 +0000

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