Isaac and I have such special family and friends. We are so - TopicsExpress


Isaac and I have such special family and friends. We are so blessed by the many of you who donated to our Moldova Wedding fund on GoFundMe. I have some very exciting news today, that is beautiful and bittersweet on a few levels. As you may know, Isaac just had knee surgery. Due to financial and time constraints, we recently came to the understanding that our trip to Moldova will be postponed, indefinitely. And, that is okay. We understand that Gods timing is always exactly perfect, and everything happens for a reason. Last week, God put it on my heart to give this money that you all gave us to Amy. I am so thankful for a husband who agreed happily and without hesitation. We are so thankful to all of you who so wonderfully gave to us. You get to share in our gift to Amy. It struck me this morning, so deeply that I wept all the way to work, how beautifully God weaves all the little details of life together, and how He takes care of us all. One year ago, God knew that Isaac would be having knee surgery and we would be unable to go to Moldova, and He knew that Amy would be fighting for her life. God gathered up money from many of you, and Isaac and I had the honor of holding it until it would be needed by a very special woman. Kent and Amy Black were some of Kristy and Is biggest encouragers in going to Moldova. Not everyone understood why we were going, and some said we shouldnt. And thats okay. But, I will never forget the letter from Mr. Black in those early days. It basically said... Tell me more about it, how can I pray, and where can we send money? He will probably never understand how that renewed our courage and gave us the strength to step into the unknown, just to know someone was behind us, even though we didnt have all the answers. Well, Kent Black and Amy Black, Isaac and I are behind you, even though you dont have all the answers. We love you so much, and are humbled that God would allow us to be a small blessing to you. Fight on! gofundme/jzlc88
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 20:52:40 +0000

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