Isabelle Terry~ (part 1) Tomorrow is the MIGOP State Committee - TopicsExpress


Isabelle Terry~ (part 1) Tomorrow is the MIGOP State Committee meeting. Im on that committee and wanted to give information on issues being brought up then. 1) The Issues Committee introduced a Resolution Thanking Republican Legislators. Im voting AGAINST this resolution. It thanks the lawmakers of Michigan for not adopting a state exchange for Obamacare. I dont see the point... they worked feverishly to advance Obamacare by adopting a key component, Medicaid Expansion. This move alone engrained the state in Obamacare, expanded the welfare state and put Michigans budget on a tragic course. Republican Senator Marleau has the state exchange bill and would love to see it passed before year end. Not only did the Republican lawmakers go against the 2012 Republican Final Language GOP Platform 2012, they went against the people of Michigan. So thanking them for what theyve done would be like thanking progressive Democrats. No Thank You Very Much! Joni Jones~ Isabelle, the resolution that I have put before the Issues Committee is a Resolution Against Reconsideration of a State Health Insurance Exchange. I will email you a copy..... PLEASE support mine should it find its way out of Issues and to the full State Committee.... I think there is a slim chance, considering the fact that the one you refer to in your post has now been submitted by a politically powerful member of the committee.) Anyway, the word thanks is not a part of mine. Mine simply urges legislators NOT to reconsider the formation of a state exchange.... something that was defeated twice before, through a ton of grassroots work! The Halbig v. Burwell decision has given many of us hope that Obamacare may actually implode. Regardless of the now ordered en banc review, the case is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. I am quite confident that Justice Roberts will get it right this time and when that happens, Obamacare simply cannot survive. This is why it is critical that the 34 states that defaulted to the federal exchange remain with the federal exchange. I have absolutely no confidence, however, that the Governor, Bolger and Richardville will see it that way and my guess is that they will push for reconsideration of a state exchange during lame duck. Apparently, a bill for reconsideration is all ready to go post-election. * Isabelle Terry ~ (part 2) Tomorrow is the MIGOP State Committee meeting. Im on that committee and wanted to give information on issues being brought up then. 2) I believe Open Primaries hurt Conservatives. Michigan is effectively an open primary and is open to Republicans as well as independents and Democrats who choose a Republican ballot at their polling place. Michigan labels its primary a “closed” primary, but this just refers to the fact that voters can’t participate in BOTH Republican and Democratic ballots. So there is a lot of room for mischief and real voter disenfranchisement. We need to encourage our legislature to change Michigan to real Closed Primaries. Thats what I will be talking about and pushing at every GOP and political event. gongwer/programming/blogindex.cfm?postid=36101#sthash.LNOsU6jV.fru2JFuJ.dpbs (parts 3, 4 & 5) Tomorrow is the MIGOP State Committee meeting. Im on that committee and wanted to give information on issues being brought up then. 3) NOT UNTIL we have CLOSED Primaries should we even be considering a winner-take-all delegate allocation by any measure! Im not sure even then! So I will NOT be supporting the proposed change (50% +1 of the total statewide primary vote winner-take-all) to the 2016 Presidential Convention Rules supported by the MiGOP Policy Committee. No thank you very much. In the words of Norm Hughes: winner-take-all is barbaric, strong-armed and hostile... disrespects minority factions and groups in the party. 4) According to RNC rules, any election prior to March 15 REQUIRES proportional selection of delegates. So I will be pushing to keep Michigans primary BEFORE 3/15. 5) I will continue to make it clear that I stand with our National Committeeman Dave Agema and I stand in full support of the the Final Language GOP Platform 2012.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:51:30 +0000

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