Isacoplc Kalu Solomon : The good people of Abia State is - TopicsExpress


Isacoplc Kalu Solomon : The good people of Abia State is blessed. We are blessed with men and women who listens to their conscience and materially with wealth ranging from oil to unequal ingenuity . Abia is also strategically located in the affairs of the country with Aba being the industrial architectural midwife of west Africa. The state created over a decade ago has enjoyed the love of God and the admiration of most Nigerian. Yes we are bless with lots of opportunities. We are blessed! Yes! We are blessed. However, Abia State is the most unfortunate state when it comes to governance for the past twenty years plus. The masses has always been the direct recipients of the dividends of bad governance. so we have a lot to say as we must make a change this time around. If we need to return Abia to its rightful place, we must listen to our conscience. We must ensure that we vote for someone who has credible track record. Someone who has done it before for himself. Who through what he has done for himself has helped many achieve same for themselves. Who also has not neglected his immediate family. Such a person will not loot our treasury because like Abians will say Adighi Amu aka ekpe na nka( nobody learns left handed at old age). So as we are praying to God for a change, we must be the change we desire. We must not vote because of money or because of gifts. Every gift gotten on alter of blood will beget blood. Because if you assist a wrong candidate up the ladder then you’re his partner in crime. You will share in the curse. Remember your children may not be proud that you did not do the right thing. This open letter is a passionate appeal to all the delegates who will soon vote at the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) nationwide gubernatorial primaries in few days. Be part of the generation that will do the right thing. Do not cheapen yourself to be bought over by any self-seeking or disgruntle and manipulative individual. How long shall we continue to suffer in infrastructural debasement and distorted politics? How long are we going to continue in disparaged educational system? The fees in our intuitions of higher learning is beyond the reach of the common man. Our housing scheme only favours the rich. Our roads are has become mockery symbols. Travellers going to other states seeks for other means to boycott Abia roads. Abia Stae meaning the state of God is now disdainful icon. Just like Jerusalem which means the house of bread was without bread. The sins of the people has brought poverty on Jerusalem that people were killing their children for a meal. The same condition you see in Abia State where brothers kidnap brothers. Fathers kidnap children for money or any other consideration which the captor may find appealing. The government of the day indulge in kinds of multiple taxation and merciless deprivation. The situation is even more worse if we talk about Aba, the peoples elephant here. But yours truly will not bore you with details because Arthur Eze said it all when he said Aba is stinking. The Israelites of old prayed and God sent Elisha the prophet and discouraging stuations came to a halt. Abian have been praying until God gave us the answer to our prayer. He gave us the man of God who will alleviate poverty and enthrone plenty. He noticed that we have stayed longed in this stained economic morass, a quagmire we must leave now. He sent an exemplary man who will lift us out of this gutters of no hope to zenith of abundance. Someone who will not only rebuild Abia but through his connections and passion for industrialization will restore Abia back to the apogee of copiousness and renewed love for God. Ladies and gentle, our PDP delegates permit me to introduce o you the man without borders. The man spoken of in the book of 2nd Timothy 2:21.. if a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour and sanctified for the Master’s use and prepared unto every good works. He is the president Masters energy group. A husband of one wife. A father, a brother, a son and child of god from Abia State. These are the tenets of his faith. He is Dr. Uchechukwu Sampson Ogah (USO) OON FCa He believes in Quality Education: this great Abians belives that the acquisition and internalization of basic education through qualitative and functional training will not only help in proper shaping of morals and building the mental capacity of our youths, but it will also,in the long run, impact positively on our democratic stability, national development, economic growth and technological advancement. There is no doubt that he will transform the educational sector in Abia State He believes in Human capital development: In the area of human capital development Dr. Uche Ogah started giving scholarship awards to deserving students from Abia North in 2011. A few years after, he extended it to all deserving Abia youths. As at today over 1000 Abia indigenes have benefited from his visionary initiatives. He has donated so many buildings to schools and universities. The Last being the 600 capacity auditorium built for Abia State University. He believes in the welfare of widows, orphans and the less privileged in the society. What people don’t even know is that this gentle man sometimes borrow money to make sure that what must be done, must be done on time before it’s too late. He wealth of managerial experience: He has over ten years banking experience in zenith bank PLC where he rose to the rank of assistant general manager of the bank. He resigned voluntarily to take a personal risk in the volatile world of business. In 7 years he built his business into a conglomerate of 13 companies and employed more than 6000 people and they are well paid. He built the biggest oil storage tank in the whole of sub Saharan Africa, with 16 loading arms. He has a functional and dedicated jetty jetty with about 9m draft at lower water; which is included in Nigeria Ports Authority map. The target of his company is to have 42000 person on his workforce by the end of 2018. He is already a billionaire in all currency. We are not interested in people who want make themselves through state fund. What we may call professional politician. Leadership is an opportunity to serve responsively not an avenue to en mass wealth like we can even point out in some of the aspirants. He is not a copier. Copiers make more mistakes than activity creator. He created masters Energy through God. He will revive Abia through God. He loves God. He talks God. He lives Godly. He is humble and approachable. Time will not permit me to say it all. If you’re a delegate please vote for Dr. Uche Ogah for Abia State to rejoice. Remember Proverb 29.2 says when the righteous is in authority the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people morn. Please know that God has ordained Abia to rejoince and again he saith rejoice, o ye Abia with his people for Dr Uchechukwu Sampson Ogah has come to recue from penury. “And when he had said these things all his adversaries were ashamed; and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him” Luke 13:17. If you stand of the way of Dr. Uchechukwu Sampson Ogah your standing on the way of God. Vote for development of God’s own people. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:22:17 +0000

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