Isaiah 3:16-26 The idolatry of dress is a moral desease It must - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 3:16-26 The idolatry of dress is a moral desease It must not be taken over into the new life. In the most cases, submission to the gospel requirements will demand a decide change in the dress.-MESSAGES TO YOUNG PEOPLE, p358 Accordingly, He is to do something becoz of the daughters of zion who are naughty proud.their pride is made manifest in the fact that they walk with streched necks and wanton eyes....they do not walk natural,they perfom as it were,to attrack the public God is especially addressing the daughters of the highest officials in the denomination, the ministry, those that are at the head of the work The Lord will discover their secrets parts if they do not repent.They are proudly misusing their heads and their necks,their wrist and their feet.they are proud to make a display of their wares, for this reason the Lord will put on display those parts that which they do not wish to be exposed.He will make them naked.He will make a public axample of the Many dress like the world in order to have anfluence over ubelievers, but here they make a sad mistake....The words, the dress, the actions, should tell for God.....-CCH,p 182 In that day which these conditions prevail among Gods pple,He will take away (from the women) their braverly.take away the boldness with which they make fools of themselves.He will remove the wicked ornaments of their feet,legs.and necks.These daughters of Zion, right at the head of the work are challenging the Lord and misleading His pple at the expense of His truth,of His vineyard Here The Lord is advising us to dress not like the world bt dress properly if not the Lord curse will fall upon us Isaiah 3:16-26 The words of scriptures in regard to dress should be carefully considered we need to understand that which the Lord of heaven appreciates in even the dressing of the body. All who are in earnest in seeking for the grace of Christ will need the precious words of instruction inspired by God. Even the style of apparel will express the truth of the gospel.-TESTIMONIES vol 6, p 96 V....25...thy men shall fall by the sword,and thy mighty in the war For all that we hv been learning about is how the way how the daughters of Zion behave and their behaviour is the one that will lead their man (and sons) to die in the cming war If the daughter of zion fail to reform, thier man shall fall by the sword ( in the war) why?? Becoz no sincere christian boy in his right senses, will ever consider marrying a girl that dresses as a hyp-ocrite dresses And so if a wordly minded girl is ever to be married what kind of man will she get? Not an informed christian in a present truth,She will get the kind of man that does not hv Gods proctetion over him,the kind that is to fall in the war, the war that is to be while Gods pple are being deliverd If they do not repent then one day soon when the war in Jerusalem begins and all nations are involved, their men will be called to fight in the battle and their women along with their sleeping preachers (3 T pg 337: 2) will pray thier tearful pleas for Gods protection, bt he will not hear,And that if course is the reason why lsaish said about the husbands and sons of these womenthy men will fall by the sword and thy might in the war....1T 270 We need to understand what is Gods proctetion being said on this statement l just sent now Gods proctetion is Gods seal and hw do you obtain it we will be in need to go on the study of ezekiel 9 V 26..literal Gates cannot lamment and mourn therefore these synbolize the ministers who are the (sleeping preachers) gates through which the members get into the church. They are are the ones who baptize these hypocritical women and their men into the denomination...the unconveted one or the flood so to say..and they will howl, cry, lament.and mourn over the death of their men
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:11:03 +0000

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