Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” A couple of years ago God showed me that one of my patients would be delivered from dialysis. I received that news with joy and eagerly waited and hoped for the manifestation to happen. But after it didn’t happen right away I thought maybe I had heard God wrong or that my faith wasn’t strong enough. Well, 2 years later what God said to me has come to fruition and I have learned some valuable lessons about God and how He operates. One of the lessons I have learned from this experience is that God is not bound by our time schedule. God knows the end from the beginning and He makes things happen when He feels the time is right. My job is to receive what He tells me and believe that it will happen when it is supposed to happen, not necessarily when I want it to happen. Another lesson I have learned is that I have to trust God to do what He says He is going to do and not doubt. 2 Corinthians 1:20 says that the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ so that God can be glorified. If God has said it, then we can trust it to happen. The Enemy is going to try to get us to waver and doubt, but we must not fall for this. We must be like Abraham, who considered not his own circumstances and staggered not through unbelief, but held onto the word God had spoken to him and made way for God to manifest in his life (Romans 4). I want to encourage you to hold onto what God has spoken in your life, have faith that He who has promised it is fully able to perform it, and do not doubt and get off course. Remember this race we call life is not a sprint but a marathon and he that endures to the end will receive the prize. Be Blessed!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:42:24 +0000

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