Isaiah 42 18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 42 18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Our family went on a little mini vacation this past week to a place we lived for a few years. Our first son was born there so we went down “memory lane” so to speak. It was amazing at just how much the area had changed. New roads, new restaurants, more traffic and more trees. If I had not remembered the name of the road we exited on, I would have never taken it. It looked totally different. Old fields had turned into apartment complexes. As we road down to our old apartments where my son lived, it was like a flood of emotions and memories came flooding back. That is where you were born, that is where we used to walk, and those are the flowers you tried to eat. We took pictures of the front of a friend’s house and her mom’s and sent them to her. Her mom is no longer with us, so it was bitter sweet. We met up with friends and shared stories. We did all the touristy stuff and had a great time. I had forgotten how beautiful the city was when we were there. I forgot just how majestic mountains can be when you stand at their base. I forgot a lot because I don’t dwell on that time. We went to a restaurant while we were there and the minute I took a bite of that burger, I was right back in the old place listening to music and just hanging out with my husband. Seeing old friends brought other memories back. It was definitely a mix of emotions; some good and some not so good. It was where my husband first began having health problems. It was where my son has severe asthma (which is completely gone). It was a different time for us. It was a time where we really didn’t know Jesus or the love he had for us. We were going about life living for ourselves and no one else. As I thought about the past, I was reminded that if it were not for our past, our struggles, our victories, our growth and our failures, we would not be the people we are today. Many people live in the past instead of moving on to the present. They spend too much time with regret instead of accepting the forgiveness of the Father and moving on. They spend too much time trying to figure out how they could have done it different, instead of figuring out how to never make those same choices again. Sometimes other people hold us in the past with unforgiveness. No matter why you are living in it – you need to let it go and move on! You can only change yourself. Today, check your past, forgive those who hurt you, forgive yourself, apologize to those you have hurt and move on. As the saying goes, “You have one huge windshield to see where you are going and only one small rear view mirror to see where you have been”. Friends, family and memories can hold you to where you were and who you were. You are not the person you were yesterday. Today is a new day. You can be the person God has called you to be instead. Take that step of faith, forgive and move on. Lord, help us to see that yesterday is gone. Nothing can be changed. We can only learn from our mistakes and live better lives. You forgive. We should forgive and it would be a better life for all. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen! Amen! Kelly
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 12:08:03 +0000

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