Isaiah 43:13 Yes, and from ancient days I am he No one can - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 43:13 Yes, and from ancient days I am he No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it? ... Whether walking on Melrose a few years ago or reading Isaiah a week ago this is an abstract of something of the supernatural. One dream after another. One vision after another. This writing is not going to be an analysis of my ignorance on... the theory of relativity but an admittance that I feel like a fool when next to someone with a quick twitch analytical mind. I feel I have to jump out of my right brain and thus certain times maybe man A or B knew the information ahead of time. Does it matter? No. Not to me at least. Let’s call it spiritual relativity based on faith. That way one could talk philosophy or theology while taking a walk to see the statue of liberty. I had to get gas, forgive me, time to get back on free way. I would say choosing to phrase it spiritual relativity is understated and safe just under infinity as certain as my faith allows me to see. It was only as I became a child again was I able to see again. I need to figure out words to write that don’t contradict each other. These dreams that seem to have a fraction from the multiple meaning that speaks to me directly. They seem to come timelessly from a distant past into the present moment. Figuratively, the spiritual connection with Mel Gibson and scripture read from the book of Isaiah is too good to be denied. The same spiritual experience, “but different” when it comes to Psalms and my brother in law David. It is in regard to the employment cover letter displayed below. The same morning, yesterday, I read a verse from psalms that I took to a sign that David is helping me. Psalms 11...."people make sport of me" was the second half of verse 11. It not only seemed to parallel the cover letter I did not plan to display but also different verses that seemed to have present moment relevance, founded on a multiple meaning divinely given in his time helping all believer s, timelessly. Understated. It excites me. Understated again. I’m recollecting driving on the road, just moments after I finish chapters forty-seven and forty eight of the book of Isaiah. I see a dream that I’ve seen before. Exactly the same. From .1 to a million the graphics are the same in the minds eyes in my abstract estimation if you will.. I start imagining myself playing this movie part. I have a sword in my hand. I’m talking to some one. Getting ready for battle. Then I see myself swing this sword, with full thrust into another sword. Mel Gibson is swinging the sword. Sparks fly. I shout, or growl, or yell with adrenaline in the air. I hear Mel Gibson with the mind’s ear say, “That was you?” This is a repeat. I’ve seen this before. How the subconscious replays these moving images to a tee I will never understand. On my way to Walmart to check some goods I flank around to check out the McDonalds. “Do I want a cone?” I asked myself. No I don’t and to say that was my true initial thought would be extremely shrewd compared to what lies under the layers I am aware of in my subconscious mind. I pick up a newspaper at the gas station and head to Starbucks. Thoughts continued on what I read today in the book of Isaiah. In order to alleviate or re-adjust my system I have been drinking gallons of water to expand my territory. Sometimes I drink too much water, which ends up getting spewed out of my mouth like a river. I’m remembering all the dreams and epiphanies that have come to me consistently in a chronological manner that support the idea of time which makes this creative “concept” easier to understand when time seems to not be relative or exist on a greater plain. What do you mean? How many years before the time of Christ was the book of Isaiah written? It would be like trying to compare it to a hit song from the 80’s such as Stand Back by Stevie Nicks? You there? Question. Could you say the lyrics were motivated from visions of the future? Visions of right now? Your eyes as you spin around in the video. Would I be to weird to suggest the idea that you saw the verse at the top of the page. Keep reading the answer is below. Would that be shrewd or speculation. How can I prove that painting is worth a million dollars or the wind just blew? You would believe me if I told you the wind blew because you would feel it. To deny it would cause enough friction in the atmosphere to create a lightening bolt so to speak. We could use that excuse on everything and the value of the dollar would certainly decrease. How can one compare millennium with decades? A random thought when compared to the previous sentence with just enough evidence of being somewhat relevant. I just thought of you Tim Burton. Beetlejuice. “Make my millennium”- Michael Keaton. Short phrases and key words included in a creative gathering of words I displayed about my experience with Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” do not do justice. They do not do justice to the consistent dreams and revelations I have with Mel Gibson as I read the book of Isaiah. The battering ram, cummin powder I put in my V8 (did Isaiah see that cummin I had many years ago). Seeing a random woman doing cartwheels. The pool I swam in as a kid while seeing visions of this writing. This communication of sorts of the creative consciousness. Figuratively speaking, how does Elvis Presley relate this? Remembering listening to Elvis on my headphones as I was working out a couple months ago. It was a “you” sound. A rhyme. Maybe I was dizzy. There we have it. Isaiah 19: 13:14 “ The officials of Zoan have become fools, the leaders of Memphis are deceived; the cornerstones of her peoples have led Egypt astray. The Lord has poured into them a spirit of dizziness.” Which leads me to the verse I read today. Isaiah 48:18 If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the see.” I did drink too much water after I read this verse and I did spew. Shortly thereafter I experienced a continuous flow of these visions with Mel. Even without vision. In blankness, an awareness of visions going on in my sub consciousness that at that moment were speckles and sometimes nothing but black but without diminished awareness. Let me back track. Isaiah 48:16 “Come near to me and listen to this: “From the first announcement I have not spoken in secret; at the time it happens, I am there.” And now the sovereign Lord has sent me with his spirit.” Do I catch a single meaning within multiple meanings that I take in a very personal way? Would that be selfish or just evidence of faith? Out of my mind yet aware? Benny Hinn? Every time I heard those “you” rhymes during this particular Elvis song I thought of you. Just that thought alone holds power enough to be compensated even without empirical proof of a seemingly miniscule concept. Is that miniscule to you Lisa Marie? How can it be reversed? It is reversed by the most beautiful man that has ever walked the face of the earth Jesus Christ and the grace that he offers. I’m not even the size of a mustard seed compared to Jesus. Isaiah 48:21…..he split the rock and water gushed out.”
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 20:59:24 +0000

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