Isaiah 49 This is a most encouraging prophetic declaration by - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 49 This is a most encouraging prophetic declaration by Isaiah, as these words are intended to bolster and encourage the believing Jews that were held captive in Babylon that God had not forgotten them and would in fact bring a revival in their day. As well see shortly, it would include the youth, which are always in the heart and plan of God to bring forth transformation to a culture. We have witnessed that first hand across the US and different parts of the world. PTL! There are those who view the first portion of this as a Messianic prophecy, which it undoubtedly is; yet it had a then present day application to Israel and a now current day application for us as believers, whether Jew or Gentile. Israel, Jesus and us; we may be hidden yet were polished and ready to be released into His destiny to reach the world with the Gospel. God determined He would ultimately be glorified through Israel when they were liberated from Babylonian captivity and ultimately return to Jerusalem. Recall the Gethsemane experience of the Lord? Isaiah and nearly every man or woman of God who has given their lives to ministry has had bouts with doubt and questions as to their effectiveness or capacity to fulfill the call of the Lord on their lives. As Isaiah, we too must trust the Lord that He will reward those who do His bidding. Each of the anointed; Israel, Jesus and those who place their trust in Christ are anointed. Anointed to restore, rebuild and revive. Were called to be the light to those who have yet to believe. When Jesus declared He was the light of the world, the religious leaders of the day took exception with Him. They knew He was quoting from Isaiah and understood as their predecessors, they had not been that light. Israel was under Roman rule and Jesus came to set people free, to be free indeed. For those of us today to walk in our anointing fully, we too must work to fulfill the Great Commission, taking it to the ends of the earth. For those walking in the anointing, doors of favor will open from those in positions thought impossible to respond or be reached. Yet it will be a time that the Lord is glorified and honored. Will we respond to our being chosen, or will it be disregarded? The choice is ours! When Israel called to the Lord, as we today, He hears us and will help, preserve and position us for global impact and effectiveness. There will be heritages forgotten that will be restored and renewed. The anointing carried will bring deliverance through the authority of Christ to the nations. As we follow and walk in that anointing, the Lord will resource our walk and protect us as well as provide for it. People will be attracted to the anointing and call of God from distant places, just to be in the presence of Him Who lives within us. We will be comforted and encouraged. Like Israel, when we feel God is distant, we can be encouraged by the prophetic word of Isaiah, that as a mother cant forget her nursing child, neither will God forget or ignore us. Were tattooed in the hand of the Lord, our lives and ways are ever before Him. Heres an exciting promise! There was and will be a great revival among the youth; they will be change agents and world changers, delivering people out of darkness and destruction. This revival will have incredible growth and expansion globally. Parents who have interceded for years will witness such a dramatic change theyll wonder whose kids are these? Isaiah prophesied that Israel would have national leaders attracted to their anointing and the same is beginning to happen today! There will be incredible honor given and where there was once shame, it will be replaced with joy unspeakable. Those whove been incarcerated by demonic strongholds will be liberated at long last. Those who would hurt/harm the anointed, will be destroyed and the world system will realize that it is the hand of the Lord. So be it!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 13:37:06 +0000

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