Isaiah 53:6 prophesies of Jesus saving work, All we like sheep - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 53:6 prophesies of Jesus saving work, All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Stop and ponder on this for a moment. We are like sheep, prone to wander and stray from the flock. We are ALL like sheep, which means that there are no exceptions. Among humankind, all of us sin. Why? Because we each turn to our own way. We are basically selfish, and like the Israelites of old, believe that each of us should do what is right in our own eyes. Of course, as we do so, we fall deeper and deeper into sin. At the point where Christ meets us, we are so filthy with sin that no spot of righteousness can be found. But God laid on Him the iniquity of us all. God placed the perversion of our hearts upon His own son, and He became the cursed one in our place. That is basically what so many New Testament passages declare: Jesus Christ had all of our sin placed on Him and all of His righteousness was placed on us. At His death on the cross, God was treating Him as the worst of sinners, although there was no actual sin in Him, and He did not actually become a sinner. Instead, He bore the penalty for OUR sins. God laid it all upon Him, and the very worst that hell could comprehend, He took in our place. It is startling to imagine such amazing love! And I will never comprehend the love of the Father to do such a thing to His son on my behalf, nor will I ever understand the love of the Son to willingly submit to such treatment and to such a horrific death in my place. I particularly dont understand it in light of all my sins. Here was One so perfect, that He dwells in inapproachable light, a place where I would instantly die if I were to enter in my corrupt flesh. Yet, here was One willing to take the punishment for my sin! Our only proper response to such love and such grace is submission to Him as Lord and reception of Him as Savior, followed by a life of endless service and praise. Indeed, well might we exclaim Hallelujah! What a Savior! My friend, have you received Him as your Lord and Savior? If not, then this very day I plead with you to surrender your all to Him. Repent or turn away from your sins. Ask His forgiveness (He has promised to grant it to them that ask, 1 John 1:9). Accept His loving sacrifice on your behalf as full payment for your sins, and believe that He died on that cross and rose again the third day so that you may be forgiven, saved, and guaranteed eternal life. Call upon Him, and He will save you.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:24:13 +0000

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