Isaiah 57:4 My Mother told me how sticking out your tongue is a - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 57:4 My Mother told me how sticking out your tongue is a demonic sign. It seems something though that many children (usually grade schoolers) go through and tend to make a habit. Once I witnessed Demons up close and personally I realized just how correct she was. The sticking out your tongue is clearly a personality all demons tend to share. They do it as a rebellious gesture against God. They do it to mock him and to uphold the serpent symbol of the Devil. Now I am not a religious person. As a matter of fact I am very much Pagan/ Spiritual/ Native American/ and some even refer to me as New Age... but I do believe in Demons and evil forces as well as a Creator and good forces. Good/Bad do exist. However ... this entire thing of sticking out the tongue -if you uphold Demons and think they are fun creatures to amuse yourself with their company then by all means --allow this gesture But if you have a good heart and believe no God should be disrespected then you may want to restrain yourself from mocking.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 16:41:43 +0000

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