Isaiah 58: 6-12, 14 For this is the fast that I choose; to loose - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 58: 6-12, 14 For this is the fast that I choose; to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the ties of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free. To share your bread with the hungry, to bring the homeless poor into your house and not to hide yourself from your own flesh. Then shall your light break forth like the dawn and your healing shall spring up quickly; your righteousness shall go before you, and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the finger and spreading contentiousness, if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desires of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness, and your gloom be as noonday. The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your desire with good things, and make your bones strong, and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water ever renewing. Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt, you shall raise up the foundation of many generations... Then you shall take delight in the Lord and I shall make you ride upon the heights of the earth
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:41:08 +0000

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