Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great - TopicsExpress


Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. I woke up with a very unusual experience. I saw a horrid, evil face, and then another. I immediately thought of my dear friend from Iraq. Her Mom said she was seeing 200 - 300 people killed in her area. It was either each month or week. Either way we have no way to understand the horror and grief they are experiencing. I began to quote, He that is in me, is greater than He that is in the world. And Luke 10:19, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. The darkness and the horrid faces left as I quoted scripture. As we are more aware of the evil, many of us are waking to pray for the people oppressed by evil, and some, who need to learn to pray are simply getting anxiety attacks, others stay busy and dont know what to do. We are safe and warm and have our homes and each other. We need to pray and pray with power for the people overseas and our own land. For the last few years I have felt warned to warn others. I also studied some things in the stars, Bethlehem and I began to realize we have many signs coming together both in the heavens and on earth, that it is time for men to repent. All who call upon the Lord, shall be saved. Those close to God need to be even closer and pray for those around us. Those far from God need to draw close. Righteousness saves in the day of destruction. Gods righteousness alone will give us power over the evils that are now in the world. Our righteousness is totally inadequate. We must press into God in prayer to be forgiving to others, to be forgiven and to learn the power that He died to restore to us. In His righteousness, clothed in His mercy, we are an unstoppable force to all darkness. We live in His care and comfort, powerful against evil as we pray and love. Then, when our time to die comes, He gives dying grace and peace to release the things of this world and come to Him!!! If we have a form of religion, but no power, we will be helpless when real evil comes. What I saw this morning was real. Evil has many open doors in our land now. We need true power and to care enough to pray. Nothing else will last. The Lord, us, the people we love, and the prayers we prayed and our work for others that touched their lives! Everything else, we will soon leave behind. May the light of the world descend on us with all His purifying love and warmth. May great awe and reverence fall on us to comprehend the One, Who alone frees us from all our fears, and gives real power to stand against and defeat the true evil that is behind them! We ultimately win!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:59:02 +0000

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