Isbaal is to wear garments that extend below the ankles. Is it - TopicsExpress


Isbaal is to wear garments that extend below the ankles. Is it Forbidden? Yes, because the Prophet (sws) said: "ما أسفل من الكعبين من الإزار في النار" رواه البخاري في صحيحه. "The part of an Izaar (garment) which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire."(Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree, V.7, hadeeth # 678) Some hold the opinion that Isbaal is forbidden when it is done out of pride, conceit or arrogance. Is this argument true? The answer is: No, because: First: The threat to punish in Hell those who drag their garments bellow the ankles is clear - The punihable part is that which violates the command of the Prophet ρ i.e below the ankles. Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajer is with the opinion that the obvious literal meaning of the hadeeth holds true i.e. the clothes togethor with the part below the ankles will be in Hell as it is the case in the saying of Allaah (SW): ( { إنَّكم وما تعبدون من دون الله حصب جَهَنَّم } (الأنبياء، 98 “Certainly! You (disbelievers) and that which you are worhipping now besides Allaah, are (but) fuel for Hell!” (Qur’aan 21:98). [See Fathul Baaree V. 10, hadeeth # 5789]. Second: Several texts indicate that the Prophet ρ was commanding the people to pull up their garments. The majority of the Muslim Scholars (Al-Jumhoor) agree that when the text is in the imperative from, intended for Tahreem (forbidding something), unless there is another authentic evidence that indicates otherwise. In one incident, the Prophet (sws) sighted someone dragging his lower garment. He rushed to him and said: "إرفع إزارك واتق الله ". قال : "إني أحنف تصطك رآبتاي، فقال : ارفع إزارك فإن آل خلق الله عزَّ وجل حسن، فما رؤي ذلك الرجل بعد إلاَّ إزاره يصيب أنصاف ساقيه أو إلى أنصاف ساقيه . (أخرجه أحمد وغيره وهو على شرط الشيخين - .( السلسلة الصحيحة 1441 "Pull up your Izaar and fear Allaah”. The man said: “I am a an Ahnaf 75 person with trembling knees”. He (the Prophet ρ) said: “Tug up your Izaar! Certainly, all of Allaah’s creation of Allaah is good”. Since then the man was not seen except with his Izaar touching the middle of his shanks or up to the middle of his shanks [Reported by Ahmad and others, and it satisfies the conditions set by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. See As-Silsilah As-Saheehah, hadeeth # 1441.]. It is clear that the Prophet (sws) did not question the man whether he was doing it out of pride or arrogance. In fact its clear that from the condition of the man that he did not even think about arrogance! Neverthless the Prophet (sws) did not accept it his Isbaal and considered that Isbaal is incompatable with At-Taqwa (the fear of Allaah). Third: The genearalized prohibition of Isbaal is clear in the saying of the Prophet ρ. On one occasion he said to Sufyaan bin Sahl: يا سفيان بن سهل: لا تسبل فإنَّ الله لا يُحِبُّ المُسبلين -صحيح سنن ابن ماجه 2876 "O Sufyaan bin Sahl! Do not lower your garment below your ankles because Allaah does not love the Musbileen (those who lower their lower garments below their ankles).” [Saheeh Sunnan Ibn Majah by Shayekh Nassir-ud- Deen Al-Albaanee # 2876.] Jaabir bin Saleem said that the Prophet (sws) told him: ...وإيَّاك وإسبال الإزار فإنَّ إسبال الإزار من المخيلة ولا يُحِبُّها الله (الصحيحة (770 "...And beware of the Isbaal of the Izaar because it is from Al-Makheelah (conceit, arrogance, etc.) and Allaah does not love it.” [Silsilat Al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah, the Series on the Collection of Authentic Ahaadeeth, by Shayekh Al-Albaanee, hadeeth # 770.] One can notice the text (underlined) in the imperative from indicating the forbidding of Isbaal whether it is done out of Makheelah or not. Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajer in his commentary about some of the Ahaadeeth mentioned above said: “The Isbaal mentioned in these Ahadeeth is a grave sin if it is done out of Makheelah, otherwise the apparent meaning of the Ahadeeth indicates that it is forbidden.” [Fathul Baaree, V. 10, P. 263.] The manifestation of the Aayah: ( { وما آتاآم الرَّسول فخذوه وما نهاآم عنه فانتهوا } (الحشر، 7 “And whatsoever the messenger gives you take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain from it.” (Qur’aan 59:7) Isbaal necissitates Al-Makheelah even if the Musbil does not intend it. This is supported by the hadeeth of Jaabir bin Saleem in which the Prophet (sws) made it clear that Isbaal is a manifestation of arrogance: الإسبال كله من المخيلة : قال صلى الله عليه وسلم لأبي جر يّ-جابر بن سليم الهجيمي: (وارفع إزارك إلى نصف الساق فإن أبيت فإلى الكعبين وإيَّاك وإسبال . الإزار فإنَّهُ من المخيلة)-السلسلة الصحيحة للألباني 1109 و 1352 He (sws) commanded Jaabir bin Saleem saying: "And tug up your Izaar up to the middle of your shanks, and if you dislike it, then up to the ankles (i.e. up to a point above the ankles) and beware of Isbaal because it is arrogance."[Silsilat Al-Ahadeeth as-Saheehah, hadeeth # 1109 and 1352.] Shouldn’t we, therefore, abide by the command of Allaah in the above Aayah?... (From the book of Shaykh Dr Saleh As Saleh hafidhuhu Allah) To read the full proofs and text with the refutations of the doubtful matters brought by people of "hawa" (of desires), you can inshaAllah download it at this link:
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:24:02 +0000

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