IshRa OS on Current Track Part 1 Written by - MallikaIshRaluv Do - TopicsExpress


IshRa OS on Current Track Part 1 Written by - MallikaIshRaluv Do Give Your Reviews on this OS Guys!! This is an imagination based on the upcoming track and it may or may not happen in the serial. Trust Raman You Dont Trust Me? A blessed thing it is for any man or woman to have a friend, one human soul whom we can trust utterly, who knows the best and worst of us, and who loves us in spite of all our faults. - Charles Kingsley As Raman spoke of how relationships, affection and promises were always broken...... How he had suffered betrayel twice his each word stabbed Ishita at the bottom of her heart. She couldnt understand why Raman was saying this, what had happened to make him like this. Though his words targeted Shagun yet his continous glances at her made her feel as if he was talking about her. The words he said at the speech, and what he said about the bracelet she had so lovingly tried to tie on his hand but for which he had said they had no emotional value had hurt her so much. Ishita started sobbing trying to hide her face so that no one saw her crying... After the speech She started to leave from the party but Mani stopped her. Ishita said to Mani Mani I love Raman and want to see him happy but if his happiness is with someone else Ill deal with that too She tried to wipe her tears from her face and held Manis hand telling him it was okay. But Ishita... Mani started to say but she was already gone. Ishita ran crying down the stairs past the fountain not caring that people were watching her crying her heart out.... She just wanted to go home, to forget all the words that Raman had said she just wanted....... Ishita! a voice called her from behind. It was Raman. Ishita knew his voice even better than she knew her own. She closed her eyes in pain. Then she dried her eyes so that he would not know she had been crying and turned. For some time she and Raman just stared at each other Ishita with a thousand questions in her mind and Raman with his betrayal in his heart. Finally Ishita took a deep breath and spoke. Raman why did you thank Shagun in your speech. Just what did your speech mean? And why did you say you have been betrayed twice? Why have you been avoiding me, and speaking rudely to me for the past 3 days? I need answers Raman. Why? Raman : Oh so you still didnt understand what I meant in my speech huh? I thought that you would have understood, a smart woman like you who seems to have the answers for everything. Ishita : Please stop with the riddles Raman and answer my question Raman: No you answer my question. For just how long did you think you could hide this from me Ishita? Did you think Im a fool and I would never get to know? Or perhaps you simply didnt care if I got to know or not since your Mani had said that hed take care of everything. Ishita : Raman Im not understanding a thing that you are saying I said stop with the riddles. Raman takes a step towards Ishita. Ishita feeling conscious takes a step backwards. He took another step towards Ishita and she took another step backwards. They had reached Ishitas car now and when Raman took a third step forward Ishitas head touched the back of the car. They stood close to each other breathing hard. Raman : Just spit it out Ishita now that you know that I know everything Ishita : What do you mean Raman : Just spit it out dammit!! Ishita : What??? Raman : I said TELL ME!!!!!! Ishita : Oh God Raman just what do you want me to say??? Raman : That you love Mani and want to leave me for him!!!!!! There I have said it myself now you know that I know everything. Now I want you to confirm it and then Ill free you Ishita was speechless. She just stared at Raman in utter shock. So this was what had been in Ramans mind for the past 3 days.... He had been thinking that she was having an affair with Mani!! How could he even think that... So that was why he had said that he had been betrayed twice.. Why his eyes had looked at her with hatred and contempt when she had tied the bracelet in his hand.... Why he had been avoiding her, why he had been drinking last night, the wetness on his pillow..... Ishitas mind was whirring...Finally she cleared it and spoke Ishita : You think that I am having an affair with Mani? You think I love Mani? Raman how can you even think that? How can I think that? You have started lying to me, that night on Karwachauth I clearly heard you say to Mani that Raman should not know about this and yet you lied to me that it was an emergency phone call! You message me to pick up Ruhi from her school saying that you are busy at the clinic when I was right there!!!! And you had been out in the market that day hanging out with that Mani!! You change Manis name to Manisha, That slime calls you sweetheart, And you even said I Love You to him!! You said that he is your everything your saviour, your hero....... You were eavesdropping on me? Hell I was! Its a good thing I did or I would never have known the fact that you are cheating on me Ishita how could you??? Ishita : You think I Am Cheating on you.. You think.... But wait havent you told me a thousand times that you married me only for Ruhi? Then why do you even care about what I do, who I love? Tell Me Raman why do you care?? TELL ME!!!! Raman : Because I love you dammit!!! I love you so much and I thought you did too but you betrayed me for that Mani just like Shagun betrayed me for Ashok and I always thought that you were different from Shagun but now I realise all women are the same... never loyal.. they will always ditch you.... Tears ran from Ramans eyes, tears and pain as he felt that since now he had come clean that he knew she would leave him......... But how could he stand it... Despite his hatred, his anger he still loved her and always will. Ishita didnt know what to feel. She was going through mixed emotions happy that Raman loved her and shock and sad that he didnt trust her... He had found so many proofs against her would he even believe her if she said she loved only him???? No he wouldnt. Because despite everything she had ever done for him he didnt trust her. She thought that he would trust her after the bracelet incident but now this.... He was outright accusing her of cheating on him. Trust once broken cannot be repaired and Ishita knew that unless she gave a dozen proofs to Raman he would not believe her as his trust on her was gone...... But still she would try... Ishita : Raman I dont know how you could even think that I am cheating on you but since you have put the seed of betrayal in your mind I will only say that I am not cheating on you and I do not love Mani. If you had such a big misunderstanding about mine and Manis relationship you could have spoken to me about it instead of making your own assumptions. Raman : I dont believe you Ishita. And I did come to meet you that day and clarify everything when I saw you saying I love you to him you even said that you can leave me and Ruhi and our family for him Ishita how could you even say that????? I dont know why you are still trying to hide the truth from me now that I know everything but STOP IT!! Admit it that you love Mani! Ishita felt hurt and broken. Raman just didnt want to believe her. He had hurt her so much, always demeaned her, pointed out her mistakes but now he didnt trust her. I dont believe you Ishita. His Words stabbed her heart and kept whirring in her mind. There is no relationship without trust trust she told herself. And she wasnt going to stand there all night trying to convince Raman that she and Mani werent in love. She was done with it now. She needed a break from this. From everything... She needed to get away before Raman broke any more pieces of her heart. If Raman didnt trust her she couldnt stay with him ...... she had to..... Ishitas mind was whirring all she knew was she had to leave right now before the pain became unbearable. Ishita : You say you love me Raman? To Love is to Trust but you dont trust me. Then how can you even love me? You will not listen to me Raman no matter how much I say to you so I will not say anything anymore I am leaving.... Raman : I wouldnt let you leave till you answer my question. Ishita : And I will not answer it Goodbye Raman Raman tried to stop her from going by holding her shoulders but she pushed him away. She got in her car and drove away not being able to see the road through her tears. Raman stood there aghast trying to understand the reason behind Ishitas silence... if she loved Mani then why was she so hurt by his words? His mind stood there debating what his heart was trying to tell him.... Mani : There is no affair going on between me and Ishita, Raman. Mani had been standing there listening to IshRas convo since a long time but had decided not to interfere in their private moment but after Raman refused to believe Ishita and she went way from there hurt and broken Mani felt angry and decided that Raman needed to get a piece of his mind To be continued..........
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:04:07 +0000

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