Ishavasya Upanishad Day 1: Om Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkiñca - TopicsExpress


Ishavasya Upanishad Day 1: Om Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkiñca jagatyam jagat | tena tyaktena bhuñjitha ma grdhah kasyasvid dhanam || 1 || This entire Universe is permeated by the Divinity. It is not a good who is trying to give you a finger and you try to catch him and he runs away. God is here. Now. In everything. In fact there can be nothing that is away from God. Not just the permanent, also the changing. The entire Universe is permeated by something and that you can called God. There are people who are craving for God realization. As thought he is somewhere outside. Everything here. Some may ask: how can God be in Hitler? How can God be in something that is bad? You ask a physicist, did he have atoms in his body of not. We are caught up in the duality of right and wrong. You are caught up in the hero and villian. A director honors the hero as much as the villian. Wake up and see, you rise to another dimension. A dimension that is beyond good and bad. Right and wrong. Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkiñca jagatyam jagat And there is this another nothing: God willing. If God wishes, then it will happen. If God is responsible for everything in this Universe, then why should I be punished? The doer and the enjoyer go together. They are two sides of the same coin. This power, which is here, right now what is the password for this? We are holding on to some material thing, like holding your fist. When you open your fist, sky is there. What does your mind hold on to? Anything that gives you pain and pleasure. When your mind latches on to a limited something, you are occupied. On a beautiful day, you see the sky. A dust particle enter your eye. Thats it. You cannot see the sky. Do the Rishis mean drop everything and run to the Himalayas? No. The world is here for you to enjoy but not by holding on to t. Letting go. Relax. When you relax, you are able to enjoy better. Dont covet for others possessions. Lets do a meditation on this mantra only. It was good? So when everything is done by God, what is the purpose of my life? this question should pass by an intelligent mind? It should bug you. Is it all eating, sleeping, and doing your routine? Has this question come into your mind? I am sure. Have you all got this question some time or the other? Good. Seeds has started sprouting. Dont be in a hurry. This question invokes the spirit in you. It is a sign of the seed sprouting. Hold on. Upanishad say keep doing your work and live for a hundred years. kurvanneveha karmani There is no other way. kurvanneveha karmani jijivisecchatam samah | evam tvayi nanyathetosti na karma lipyate nare || 2 || There is no other way. Knowing that this is permeated by the Divine, keep engaged in activity and live for a hundred years. When you are doing an action for yourself, then it is painful. If your focus is only on you. If you are taking. How much can you take? If you are a giver, if you are only to give, the action does not bind you. When you take, you feel obligation. When you give, you feel the freedom. Keep acting and live for a hundred years. Your wish should be to live for a hundred years. Till your death you must keep acting. Now, here there are two types of action: Channel your energy is doing something or you sit and get restless. Restless is also activity. People who are engaged in any type of activity in the society and not wanting anything are much more happier. Steam is generated in the course of life. But the steam has to be channelized. Our energy needs to be channeled to do something useful. The joy in getting is an infant, immature joy. We are born with this. Kids love grabbing things. When they are 3 or 4 years old, they love to give. Have you noticed this? Kids love grabbing things. When they are 3 or 4 years old, they love to give. Have you noticed this? They have a tendency to give also. Similarly, grandparents have a tendency to give. When kids come home, she cooks many dishes and serves. Unless we move from the joy in grabbing to the joy in giving, we cannot be satisfied. That will keep creating irritation inside you. Just observe small incidents in your own life. All this knowledge is for you to look inward. Am I getting this? What is the cause of my depression? What is the cause of my anxiety? Once you are on the path, you are sitting with the Master, relax. Still if you keep running, it is like running inside the train. If you run inside a plane, it is not going to land faster. Determination to do work that does not benefit you. Once again think on this. Take a few minutes. All other actions that we perform to which we get attached, we want to run away. A flower is not making an effort to bring fragrance to you. When I say action, immediately you think that person is able to do more seva. I am old. Dont get into that trip. Desireless action which you can do, which is within your capacity is seva. Suppose you are not a doctor, no one expects you to treat them. This action is not a burden on us. This again you must keep in mind. Do what is comfortable. Take such commitments that is comfortable. If you are youthful, take challenges. While doing this, relax. This energy which permeates the entire Universe is alive. That life force can convey to you without words. That is Isha. There is a word in Sanskrit, Viru Paksha. Eye without a form. Shiva is called Viru Paksha. Shiv is the coolness of the water that you feel. Om Namah Shivaya is the five elements. You know why Sun is round? Sun is pressured by the dark space around. The invisible space around the Sun is 1000 times more powerful that the Sun. Like the air bubble trapped in a bottle. Similarly, the empty space is such that the heavenly bodies are spherical. Around you there is so much energy. Above us 200 miles of air is there. So much pressure of air is there. A scientist can understand. Similarly, a seeker can understand. What you see as matter is a small aspect of the entire totality. The manifest is an insignificant portion of the unmanifest. That is what you are made up of. Your own body is made up of atoms. Atoms is 99% space. Relax into this space.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 08:36:47 +0000

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