Islam Laos POSTED ON SEPTEMBER 14 , 2013 BY MAY2 0 Muslim - TopicsExpress


Islam Laos POSTED ON SEPTEMBER 14 , 2013 BY MAY2 0 Muslim community in Laos is a small minority in the Buddhist -majority country and covers about 0.01 % of the population . Number of Muslims Laos is not more than about 800 to 1000 people , 200 of them are Muslim native soul Laos . When compared with nearly 7 million total population number is barely visible and make Laos the Asean countries with Muslim population at least . history Laos during a French colony in Indochina ( known as the French - Indochina ) , Muslims from various parts of French colonial rule helped enliven the Muslim community in Laos and then also draw natives to participate in air- Islam . Islamic history in Laos also can not be separated from the history of Islam in Indochina , especially in relation to the history of the Islamic kingdom of Champa , based in Vietnam . Historical records , Islam entered into Laos around the 18th century . People from Tamil , South India , who first brought Islam to Laos . Tamil Muslims are mostly men who work as guards and laborers . There is also a trade , ie selling their cosmetics imported from China , Vietnam , and Thailand . Most of them live in Vientiane , capital of Laos . They also spread out and live in Laos other three major cities , namely Luang Prabang , Pakse and Savannakhet . Islam also brought in by the Muslims of Pakistan . Many of those who worked for British forces and stationed in Burma during the First World War . Location adjacent to Laos Myanmar makes Muslim Pakhtun Pakistan is known to easily spread Islam in Laos . Muslim Pakhtun is a Muslim ethnic group in Laos are fairly large . Most of them have now become a married woman resident Laos and Laos . Majority Pakhtun men were civil servants and police . A number of others have a clothing store or a farm . Chinese traders from Yunnan also contribute to the development of Islam in Laos . The Chinese merchant who is believed to introduce Islam to the people of Laos . Chinese merchants are not just bringing merchandise into Laos , but also to neighboring countries such as Thailand and Myanmar . By the people of Laos and Thailand , traders from China is known as Chin Haw . Relics of the Chin Haw existing today is a small group of Muslim communities living in the highlands and hills . They supply the basic needs of urban communities . In the mid 1960s , the Muslim population in Laos almost all from South Asia . Amount when it was estimated at 7,000 people . However , the war that broke out in Laos , make them move to another country . However, some Tamil Muslims remain poor because they do not have the money to move to another place . Subsequently , in 1980 , Cham Muslims of Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge who escaped Laos overwhelm even though , Muslims have come to Laos Cambodia in 50 years earlier . They live in Vientiane and mostly living from selling herbal medicines which they brought from Cambodia . Now , in Laos , there were an estimated 200 Cambodian Muslims . Approximately 60 percent of air- ethnic Lao Laos and most of them embraced Theravada Buddhism . A small number of ethnic Lao Hmong and Khmu communities are minorities , still retain animist beliefs . Hmong community is a community loyal to the King Savang Vatthana ( king of Laos terahir ) , their numbers have dwindled drastically after the overthrow of the king in the coup of the communist Pathet Lao in 1975. The communist Pathet Lao then transform the kingdom Laos became a communist nation by its official name Lao Peoples Democratic Republic ( Lao PDR ) and became one of the countries in the world that still use the system communist rule , despite that religious life in Laos is guaranteed by the state officially by decree prime minister number 92 dated July 5, 2002 . Muslims in Laos Muslims in Laos today is pretty multi- ethnic but blend into one as the Muslim community Laos . Based on ethnic background , Muslims in Laos can be grouped into several groups that each has its own history, its own background . Islamic development in Laos The growth of the Muslim population in this country does not grow significantly . A number of constraints facing Muslims in Laos . As said Imam Azhar Mosque , Vientiane , Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad Vina , in Laos none of the Laos language books discussing Islam . No one who took the initiative to produce literature of Islam , he said . To satisfy his curiosity about Islam , Muslims Laos has few alternatives , namely Islamic books , including the Koran , translated into the language of Thailand , not Laos . Although the Thai language is quite similar to Laos , but this state of fear may fade the interest of Laos against the religion of Islam . In the midst of such challenges , there is enough help shock when Lao people who know about Islam , they decided to leave his old religion and become Muslims . Most of them converted to Islam to marry a Muslim . However , there is also converted as they attempt to find out about Islam . Among them , many are specifically studying Islamic studies at the University of Malaysia . Although a minority , Muslims in Laos are not subject to discrimination . President of the Muslim Association of Laos , Muhammad Rafiq Sofi alias Seng Sone , declared Muslim relations with the Lao government is very good . No issues related to interfaith relations . Laos society in general are very friendly and attentive . Acceptance is what makes Muslims in Laos can easily build a mosque for worship . Cambodian Muslims for instance , has its own mosque named Masjid Azhar . Local communities know the name of the mosque Cambodia . The mosque is located in a corner in Chantaburi District which is about four kilometers from the center of Vientiane . Although built by a Cambodian Muslim , but the mosque is also visited by many Muslim pilgrims from various countries . Regular worshipers at the mosque was mostly people from neighboring countries , as well as diplomats from Muslim countries in Vientiane , such as from Malaysia , Indonesia , and Palestine . The mosque is quite simple , but equipped with madrasas for Muslim children to learn Islam . The existence of this mosque in Vientiane was not protested by the surrounding community . In fact , when the call to prayer rang out , the non - Muslim community in Vientiane do not feel disturbed .. Chin Haw Muslims also have their own mosques in Laos . The mosque is located on the road that lies behind the center fountain Phui Nam . This mosque was built in the style of neo - Moghul with a typical oriental style tower . The mosque is also equipped loudspeakers for azan . Meanwhile, the Tamil and Muslim worship in ordinary Pakhtuns Jami Masjid is located in the heart of Vientiane . This mosque has a resemblance to their mosque in Tamil . Friday prayer sermons in the mosques are usually delivered in two languages , ie Urdu and Tamil . The mosque is also equipped with special rooms for teaching Arabic language and Islamic teachings to children . Muslim communities outside Vientiane also could feel the presence of mosques in their communities . For example , a small mosque in Sayaburi or on the west bank of the Mekong not far Nan . Sayaburi once declared the area closed to foreigners . Halal food Looking for halal food was not the case that is too hard . Every major city in Laos has at least one Indian restaurant run by Tamil Muslims . An Indian Muslim who opened the restaurant is Mohammed Nazimuddin alias Samsack Sivi lay . Nazim has six Indian restaurants in Laos . Halal restaurants opening would provide fresh air for the Muslims . This is because most restaurants in Laos providing food with meat ingredients unorthodox Muslim consumed , such as frogs , snakes , dogs , and ferrets . Some kosher restaurants located in the area off Taj Man Tha Hurat Road . Some other stands at the crossroads Phonxay and Nong Bon Roads . In addition to serving the Muslim community , they also provide catering services for the embassy officials who are Muslims . job Muslim population is mostly engaged in commerce , as well as textile traders manage butcher shop . Many Muslims Laos who worked as a kosher butcher . To distinguish them from the meat stall other meat stall selling pork , the vendors who put up various Islamic crescent or sign in Arabic . In addition , other professions are fishermen or as a butcher in a restaurant . Ethnic heritage is very thick felt at home eating home -run by Muslims of Indian descent south as well as restaurants and food stalls owned by Muslims of North African descent who provide a unique culinary North African couscous and kebabs . Editor : Gestin Mey Ekawati/26072013 sources : bujangmasjid.blogspot/2012/10/islam-dan-masjid-di-laos-bagian-1.html senyumislam.wordpress/2012/10/31/muslim-laos-minoritas-yang-tak-tertindas/
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 14:49:55 +0000

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