Islam, Moslem life is a community life, if you are a Moslem but - TopicsExpress


Islam, Moslem life is a community life, if you are a Moslem but not living with, for, and by other Moslems in a Moslem Community, then you are still not completely living your diyn. We are in the world (Al-Dunya) not of it. The point of Islam is not to teach you some arabic words, so you can pay lip service in a foreign language, it is to unite us 100% mind, body, soul and spirit, into a single uniform body. A true community is not about a claim, but a lifestyle and living condition, where we either become a single family, or we do not. Most Moslems around the world live in Moslem communities, but in western (european dominated) countries we act like we dont even know each other. This is not christianity, where we only come together for a couple of hours on Friday and Sunday, this is Islam, where we become one functioning unit for life. The prime example of this is the ummah under Prophet Mohammed (asa), the minute anyone became a Moslem they moved INTO the Moslem Community with everyone else. Thus we have HKOM 110, speaking about those coming INTO the Diyn of Allah (swt), that was not JUST conversion, it was literally MOVING IN TO the Ummah, so we can stand as one in all things, like the bees of the beehive, in fact that is a chapter of the HKOM, Suratu Al-Nahl (chapter of the bee, surah 16). This is where Freemasons stole the symbol of the beehive from, for them the beehive is the lodge for us it is the Community Building (which may or may not hold the Temple site, even though it should). In a True Bee Hive/Colony, each bee does not have its own individual hive, its the shayatiyn who taught us that mentality, even Jesus (asa) and his disciples lived in a COMMUNITY, they were always together, except when handling specific business. Even the Great Prophet (asa) understanding this Islamic Principle behind the Ummah (world wide) and its being divided into individual communities (Jamiah) in different countries told us to live CLOSE together, and was working on a Moorish Township, where there would be NOTHING but members of the MSTA. Indeed.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:02:50 +0000

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