Islam-Sharia is the antithesis of the U.S. Constitution. - TopicsExpress


Islam-Sharia is the antithesis of the U.S. Constitution. Islam-Sharia is not a religion; freedom does not exist in it, and it is not protected by the First Amendment. Islam-Sharia is a totalitarian form of government—a form of government that our constitution and amendments were built to protect us from. Any American or naturalized citizen who supports Islam-Sharia directly or indirectly is committing subversive and seditious acts of treason. Islam-Sharia permits and encourages Taqiyya and Kitman, lying and omitting truth—respectively, to achieve its goals. What would be done to any other American, government official, military member, or Christian if they were to openly or covertly practice Taqiyya and Kitman? Those in leadership roles throughout our country that know this to be true and yet stand by and watch without confronting these people are complicit in subversive and seditious acts of treason. If you believe in the liberal, narcissistic, and academic idea that another form of government can “cure the ills of you societies,” you are looking for answers that will never be found outside each individual’s willingness to own their own destructive behaviors. No government will ever fix what we ourselves must own.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:14:19 +0000

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