Islam, all of the original descendants of africa (so-called - TopicsExpress


Islam, all of the original descendants of africa (so-called black/sud-saharan, in Africa, or anywhere else in the world must move away from all pro-Arab-supremacy versions of Islam, it is nothing but the extinction of our kind. We did not form/found sunni-ism, shiite-ism, sufi-ism, or salafi-ism. NONE of these are original Islam, aka Al-Islam Al-Quraan, meaning the AL-ISLAM found in AL-QURAAN. I am not against any Arab or Arabian people, but I am against our people being arabized, we are who we are, KEY 17, and we do not desire to become anyone else, especially not ny taking on their superstitions/spookism and other ignorance. We must have our own scholars, our own Imaams, our own Ulemmah, our own Sheiks, who have our best interest at heart, and in mind, and Almighty God Allah (swt) knew this, and sent us our own Prophet to set a seal/shield around us to protect us from being invaded/infiltrated and enslaved or made extinct. They tell you there is no racism in Al-Islam, which Is true, But they are practicing dinul Islam, not Diynu Allah (swt), so they can be as racist as they want to be. Thats why they dont tell you that Mohammed (asa) looked like you, dark skin, wooly hair, and thick features, just like Abraham did, which is PROVEN that the Hebrews looked like, and Mohammed (asa) was the seed of Abraham, mixed with original ethiopian, they hate you, thats the real reason Hassan and husein. (Mohammeds grandchildren) were murdered. One of which was seen by a Persian turned Moslem, and because he looked African, grabbed him to sell him onto slavery, but someone saw this and stopped him by telling him who the boys grandfather was, this same boy is also said to look exactly like Mohammed (asa) in the hadith. The pale skinned Persians/Aryans (Iran and irq) from mixing with European blood, hated Mohammeds (asa) featured, so they aryanized him, after becoming Moslems they slowly mixed in with the top Arabian families, and thats why they are mixed today. All of this can be researched 100%, I also show much information in my book the real hadith, which was created by the irani/Iraqi converts, look up bukhari, the first charity book maker. Their versions of Islam are slavery and death for us. Move away from their lies, Indeed.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 15:12:27 +0000

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