Islam asks MUSLIMS to believe many odd and contradictory things, - TopicsExpress


Islam asks MUSLIMS to believe many odd and contradictory things, such as: Christianity was made up by Paul (No Paul studied under the disciples for 14 years as they were afraid he was a Jewish agent sent to hurt them) Christianity was wrong from the start AND it became wrong over time. (I guess you guys have it all covered that way.) really? Jesus never died. (And yet ancient non Christian scholars say he did die.) Jesus real name was ISA. (show me ANYONE WHO WROTE THAT DOWN-but hey do not let facts get in the way of your beliefs-never do that!) Jesus was not dead-(he was replaced by his disciples). (You think the Romans were that stupid? They were elite soldiers! They always checked, which is why a spear was used to pierce Christs side. AND NO those disciples DID NOT replace Jesus.. again, the Romans were not that dumb...) Jesus is a great prophet. ISLAM HONORS HIM! (and yet, all the people he taught were corrupt LIARS, and fools, really?) ( and we reject 99% of what JESUS TAUGHTt.....) Really? Anyone with a brain knows that no one can be a great prophet if you reject all he said AND ALL HIS FOLLOWERS! And so ISLAM has to come up with another lie: Everyone just corrupted his words over time.. Of course there is no proof of that! No historical documents ever said that. You think the Jews would have mentioned this to SOMEONE, ANYONE in the next few years? (Of course they would have shouted it form the rooftops!) But they did not say that did they? And FYI, that whole argument was NEVER MADE in the first 100 years of Islam. Islam and Mohammed quoted the bible (stole from it actually) and never said it was wrong or corrupted in any way. But when they saw how the bible called their new religion wrong, they had to come up with a lie: QUICK! Islam fits every description in the bible of the antichrist religion, It comes from the right geographical location. It has 666. It denies that Jesus is Gods son. It hates and kills Christians.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 20:50:33 +0000

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