Islam depends so much on science, therefore when you touch - TopicsExpress


Islam depends so much on science, therefore when you touch science, you talk about science, you also approach Islam. STILL ON SCIENCE UNDILUTED ARCHEOLOGY By the grace of God, yesterday I told you about scientific archeology, that is their discoveries of what took place millions of years ago and they used it to contradict the events of the Bible and since this scientist were not born millions of years ago, their machines and their ideas were all fake. According to their archeological findings, dinosaurs existed many years back (these are big reptiles, some were even bigger than more than days buildings), some of this dinosaurs were called hogzillas, Godzilla’s, well as far as I am concern, the only thing authentic among the word “zillas” is Mozilla’s, because that is were I log in to face book any other zillas cannot be verified. Science doesn’t only believe in God, they also condemned everything spiritual. Let us examine some of the modern spiritual things that are far more authentic than the theory of evolution. Michel De Nostradame, also known as Nostradamus 1503-1566 (the man who saw tomorrow) predicted world war two, as well as other events (he is an astrologer) and his predictions were more authentic than the theory of evolution. What about Paul the Octopus (2010 world cup event) this animal was spiritually used to predict results of all the matches and its prediction is far more authentic than the evolution. These are far more inferior compare to the biblical events of Matthew 24 that were happening every day. STILL ON SPERM CELLS Scientist discovered that out of millions of sperm cells, only one survives to become a baby or twins, or triplets etc. These cells are not all living cells; they are rather cells under one life. Let me explain, as a human, your hand can perform a living function on its own, your legs can perform a living function on its own, head, eyes and all organs can perform a living function on its own, including the sperm, all this were under one soul, body and spirit and life, which is you. Do you know that even if a human hand is dead (paralyze) the other parts of the body will function, so also other parts of the body under one life. The only way another life comes to be on earth is when a woman became pregnant; the baby now becomes a living being. Sperm are as good as dead outside a living being, if sperms were living things outside human beings, then why is that sometimes the husbands and the wife will be medically okay and yet they cannot conceive, the answer is only God decides whether sperm will function as living or as dead. Organ like kidney can also be dead outside human being, but when they are transplanted, no, no, I disagree, rather when kidneys were trans-humans to a living body they function as living. QUALITIES OF LIVING CREATURES THAT PLANTS DOES NOT POSSESS (1) Soul and Spirit Human beings were made of soul and spirit, animal were made of spirit without soul, plants neither have soul nor spirit. (2) MORTALITY Humans can die physically, but since humans have soul and spirit, they live forever, animals dont have soul, but their spirit has no continuity in animals. In plants a cooked seed dies and that is its end, but a raw seed can become a tree that may last to the end of the world. Does that meant that a raw seed possess a soul and a cook seed is soulless, no, God made plant just the way they are. (3) Plants dont dream, plants dont fear, plants dont create or manufacture, they only reproduce. Some animals like spiders do create cob webs, Man is very creative. Plants are not sensitive, even though scientist claimed that they are. Plants are not living things scientifically and we are not even sure if they have life spiritually. CREATION BY THE WORD OF GOD Genesis 1 Through the creative word of God, God created light, divided the waters, (the rain from above and the seas and the rivers below), also created grasses and plantation, the moon, the sun, stars and heavenly bodies, water creatures, birds, land animals, and finally create man, a special being. And this is the end of creation. MANIFESTATION OF THE WORD OF GOD It manifested in the divine rod that became a serpent (Exodus 4:2-3) and also divide the red sea (Exodus 14:16-21), and became the seed of the woman that will bruise the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15) that is why Jesus was born of a woman. Manifested by his dead and resurrection, all his physical activities on earth are the program of God to save mankind. He manifested as the light that appeared to Paul (Acts 9), He was born with a genealogy that was traced to Abraham (Matthew 1), after his dead and resurrection appeared to his disciples in another form, without a genealogy, (John 21:4-25), then finally he manifested in nature, a name (word) that cannot be seen, but yet it is performing signs and wonders. Jesus is the creative word of God and since God and his creative word cannot be separated, then Jesus is God. CREATIVE WORD OF GOD John 1:1-3 and 14 John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God, The same was in the beginning with God All things were made by him, without him was nothing made that was made.(K.J.V)
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 17:15:19 +0000

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