Islam discourages us from jealousy. Assalamualaykom - TopicsExpress


Islam discourages us from jealousy. Assalamualaykom Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Allah Almighty says: “Say: I Take Refuge With The Lord Of The Dawn…... And From The Evil Of The Jealous As He Envies.” (Surah 113: Ayah 1-2...5) “...But people are prone to selfish greed. If you do good and have faith, Allah is aware of what you do.“ (Surat an-Nisa, 128) Before going in detail on jealousy let us know what our creator says about our this life. Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 21 Surah Anbiyaa verse 35: 35 Every soul shall have a taste of death: and We test you by evil and by good (only) by way of trial: to Us must ye return. Allah says in the Holy Quran in Chapter 67 Surah Al Mulk verse 2: He (Allah) created death and life that He may test you, to see which of you is the best in deeds. Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 13 Surah Raad verse 26: 26 Allah doth enlarge or grant by (strict) measure the sustenance (which He Gives) to whom so He Pleases. (The worldly) rejoice in the life of this world: but the life of this world is but little comfort in the Hereafter. Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Surah Israa verses 18-21: 18 If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life) We readily grant them--such things as We Will to such persons as We Will: in the end have We provided Hell for them: they will burn therein disgraced and rejected. Dear and beloved brothers and Sisters in Islam, know and believe with absolute conviction that everything, absolutely everything….be it looks, lineage, position, status, off-springs, wealth, abundance, etc….absolutely everything with which one is blessed with is not because one deserves such abundance, but the Lord Most Wise has provided abundant favors and blessings on each amongst His creation only as a test and a trial, to see who amongst them are grateful and who amongst them are ungrateful unto Him. Those who sincerely believe in Allah and the Last Day, and recognize the conditions of the trial of life should be content with the Decree and Distribution of their Lord Most High, and be grateful unto their Lord for the favors He has bestowed upon them. ‘Jealousy’ is a mental state or feeling that the good with which another has been bestowed be taken away from them and somehow reach unto you! This feeling of ‘jealousy’ in one’s hearts is no more than an instigation of the evil and accursed enemy of man, the Shaytaan, who inspires man to challenge and be discontent and dissatisfied with the Decree and Distribution of the Lord Most High. Narrated by Abu Hurayrah ‘The Prophet (saws) said: ‘Avoid jealousy, for jealousy devours good deeds just as fire devours fuel!’ (Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 4885)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 04:11:11 +0000

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