Islam is a cult not a religion! Well, at MOST its a cult; - TopicsExpress


Islam is a cult not a religion! Well, at MOST its a cult; really, its only a crime-syndicate, and the only religious part in it is where they say: God told us to commit these crimes! Islam poses a threat to the well-being, lifestyle, and security of the United States and the Western World. Living in free societies, Americans and westerners believe in such basic freedoms as the freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion etc. The general consensus of opinion would regard Islam as a religion. To a great degree political correctness shields Islam too. BUT IS ISLAM A RELIGION IN THE TRUEST SENSE OF THE WORD?! We all remember 09/11/2001. Most of us know Muslim terrorists are responsible. The questions get batted around: “Is it fair to blame the religion of Islam for this?” “Isn’t it racist to be against Muslims?” “Is it fair to blame all Muslims for the terrorist acts?” No, it isn’t fair to blame the religion for its adherents! But as far as the race issue is concerned, Muslims come in all colors and nationalities, so it isn’t about race. Furthermore, not all Muslims are terrorists. But then again however, most terrorists are Muslims! Since 09/11/2001 there have been more than 5 terrorist acts per day on average committed by Muslim terrorists! As an example, in the month of Ramadan 2010, more than 1000 people around the world were killed by Muslim terrorists – AND YET ONLY ONE (1) PERSON WAS KILLED IN THE NAME OF ALL OTHER RELIGIONS COMBINED! Islam started with the (false) prophet Mohammed who lived between 570 and 632 AD. The parallels between Mohammed and the modern-day false prophets Jim Jones, David Koresh, and David Mitchell are astonishing and overwhelming! Today, we are abhorred by the deeds of Jones, Koresh, and Mitchell and yet Mohammed (who was equally guilty) is adored by more than a billion Muslims! What of Mohammed? He was declared to be the perfect man. And yet at the age of 54 he married Aisha (a 9-year-old girl). By today’s standards he is a pedophile but yet Muslim apologists claim that in his day and age it was OK! Well if it was OK then, but not OK today, why is it still practiced so much? Why are so many women forced into marriage at such young ages to men? Why are women and children treated like animals? Why is it OK to beat and abuse them? Why don’t women have any custodial rights if there is a divorce? Why is it that if a woman is raped, it is her fault and she gets stoned? And why do so many Muslim women commit suicide to escape these traps?! And children in Islamic schools are taught to hate from a very early age. They are programmed to despise and distrust Jews and Americans. There is a youtube video of a 3-year-old Muslim girl who says that Jews are “monkeys and pigs” and should be killed! Islamic nations practice Sharia Law in which there is no freedom of thought or speech or the press. The outside world is forbidden. Nobody can question leaders. Women and children are treated like animals. Beheadings and limb amputations are punishments. And the penalty for leaving Islam is DEATH! Islam is indeed a cult! It qualifies as a cult any way it is examined. It can’t withstand any thoughtful or logical scrutiny. Muslim apologists often use propaganda and deception (like Al-Taqiyya and Kitman) to defend it. Its adherents are hidden from the outside world and are blinded by fear and tyranny. Unfortunately, more than a billion people on this planet are brainwashed by this cult! Some people would question this. How can over a billion people be wrong? Well think for a moment about the facts that the Earth is round and revolves around the sun. If a billion people thought it were flat instead of round, would they be right? Likewise, if a billion people thought that the sun revolved around the earth instead of the other way around would they be right? Muslims are dramatically increasing in numbers in the United States and Canada and Europe and the rest of the Western World. Many people think nothing of it. But since large groups of Muslims that develop in America and other Western countries ask for Sharia Law to supersede the prevailing law(s) of the land(s), this should be a problem to look at! Islam’s goal (as stated in the Koran) is to take over the world! Muslims seek to topple the Western World from within. They know they can’t beat us militarily, so this is their new strategy! Some are worried that Europe might fall within just a few decades! In the United States they want to build a mega-mosque at ground zero in New York City and another mega-mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee in the heart of “The Bible Belt”. Furthermore, President Obama wants Americans to be more “tolerant” of Islam. He has commanded that American school children visit mosques on field trips. And he has a new secret agenda for NASA to reach out to the Muslim community! Currently in the United States, the 1st amendment is the stumbling block for removing the religious protection of Islam so it can officially be regarded as a cult. Islam has been protected by this – so amending, redefining, or rewriting the 1st amendment may be the key to stopping it in the United States! At this point, it is important to educate ourselves about Islam. Read books and internet articles about it. Talk about it with your friends (and share this facebook page with them). Write your congressmen and legislators about it. Get involved! THE VERY WORST THING IS TO DO NOTHING AND LET IT HAPPEN!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 03:03:52 +0000

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