Islam is justice and love and forgiveness. This is from Carol - TopicsExpress


Islam is justice and love and forgiveness. This is from Carol Anne Garyson, our sister in faith, may Allah bless her for her struggle against oppression: Appeal to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (IS) for life of Alan Henning from a new revert sister I appeal to you, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as someone who came to know the beauty of the Qur’an whilst a Christian writing, independently to highlight human rights abuses such as the detainees in Guantanamo, the case of Shaker Aamer, the last Britain in Guantanamo, cleared for release but still in captivity in very poor health and also the case of prisoner Aafia Siddiqui to name but two. It was through daily contact with Muslim communities and seeing their faith and commitment to helping others that I came to revert earlier this year. I appeal to those who stand up for Alan Henning to speak up also for Shaker, Aafia and others denied their freedom, their dignity and their rights. As a victim of US “collateral damage” myself, a widow that has witnessed first hand the injustice of so called “western democracies” I can understand why Alan Henning felt impassioned to act in a practical way joining an aid convoy to Syria. I have been involved in aid projects myself to other parts of the world and was Executive Producer of the documentary “Incident in New Baghdad” which highlighted the story behind the Wikileaks “collateral murder video” the killing of innocent civilians, including children by the crew of an Apache helicopter gunship. There are many who see the horrors of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Kashmir, Pakistan, Myanmar and do nothing. They will never understand the pain and suffering of those that rely on civilian aid initiatives nor will they ever face the risks of joining an aid convoy. Alan put whatever fears he may have had behind him unselfishly to help others in the spirit of Islam… he already has the heart of a Muslim. How will we bring more people to Islam, to the wonder of the Qur’an, to our deen if people such as Alan are killed for their kindness, for being the very people that DID NOT TURN AWAY. That can never be right. The Qur’an guides people and shows Islam is love, mercy and respect for life…. Alan Henning has only ever helped Muslims in need. The Quran teaches us, “if any one slew a person … it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a person, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity” “verily this Qur’an does guide to that which is most light and gives the glad tidings to the believers who work towards righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward” “and to those who receive guidance; he increases the Light of Guidance, and bestows on them their piety and restrains from evil” Sister Carol Anne Grayson
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 13:26:10 +0000

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