Islam is the Assem of the evils of modern civilization Mr. - TopicsExpress


Islam is the Assem of the evils of modern civilization Mr. earlier If it is agreed that the extremes of modern civilization: 1 - waste of spiritual values, causing him degeneration of morality, and the depletion of certain virtues. 2 - and considering the strength and consecrated to the extent of worship, without regard for truth and justice. 3 - the threat of war, the invention of tools of destruction and murder, making people live in an atmosphere of anxiety and turmoil. These opposites are the same extremes Jaahiliyyah, has been a matter of great corruption in human society, which required great efforts of the messengers of God and his prophets. And Islam came to prevent these evils, and built a civil fine, consistent with the promoted human intellectual, and maturity, mental, and called for reform, and forbade corruption in the land, he decided that the loss does not solve the nation and are valid interest, believe in truth and do good. {What was your Lord destroy injustice villages and people are peacemakers}. And the righteous servants of God who are performing right, and carrying out of duty, and bear responsibilities, and standing up consequences, they are more deserving of the first wealth of the land, and the use of the fruits, and distributed to the beneficiaries. {We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message that the earth righteous servants shall inherit [the prophets: 105]. And the good life the life of the heart and mind and conscience but is the fruit of faith is true and good work {good work of a male or female a believer فلنحيينه the good life and recompense them their reward what they do best}. The prejudice of the reformer that the reform effort in vain, and evaporates as atoms evaporate water in the air, so he told God that so Mzkhor not lost him anything {and who hold the book and establish regular prayers I do not miss reward} reformers. And confronted with this call to righteousness and reform, which moisturizes life, and makes it worthy of يحياها rights and shows where his talents and his energy, and opens the horizons wide range of production and innovation, forbade corruption so as not to stop the work of reformers, not slow down the functioning of workers, he said: {not mischief in the land Allah loves not corrupters} [Al-Qasas: 77], and said: {not confusion in the earth after the repair and invite him in fear and hope that the mercy of God is near of benefactors} [Surat norms: 56]. And corrupt nature of hypocrisy and heart disease, and that the Holy Koran says: {And if they were told not mischief in the earth, they say we are reformers, but they are spoilers, but do not feel} [Al-Baqarah: 11, 12], and spoilers do not deserve but يحجبوا of God, is transmitted between them and the mercy and satisfaction, God Almighty says: {And those who break the covenant of Allah after ratifying it, and sever that which Allah ordered to be joined, and make mischief in the land of those damn them and their ill-house [Al Thunder: 25]. The lovers reform can monitor steps spoilers, يجنبوا society evils in every way possible, even if it Bpetrhm cut دابرهم {but a penalty, who are fighting Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief on earth to be killed or crucified or cut their hands and feet from opposite or deny from the ground that their shame in minimum and have a great punishment in the Hereafter} [table: 33]. Corruption was the first work to Pharaoh, Vhosp the account it is difficult to {The Pharaoh Ola in the land and its people into indeed a of them sacrificed their sons and their females that he was a corrupt} [Surat stories: 4]. And the nature of substitution that have authority over the colonists dictated they should Istabdoa others, Ankuloa the weak, and ruin empowerment of not enough for him, and wasting the dignity of Liberals. {The Kings entered the village أفسدوها and made the noblest of its people submissive as well as doing} [Al-ants: 24]. There is a class of people do good to say, abusing work, do not involve their business only to slag Crease, and the corruption of conscience, and ill-intended, they are nevertheless strong in unequivocal truth with falsehood, and cover their bad as they show of Lin say, the sweetness of the modern, says God: { It is people like saying in the life of the world and God is my witness to what is in his heart a bitter quarrel. If he sought in the ground to spoil them and destroy crops and cattle, and God does not love corruption. If he was told Fear God took pride in unrighteousness Vhsabh the hell and evil hypothalamus} [Al-Baqarah: 204 - 206]. The Quran has warned the Muslims of corruption if they took power, and Oadhm if they did so humans fate: {Is Asitm of that ye will do mischief in the land and sever your ties those to whom Allah has cursed and blind their eyes} [Al-Muhammad: 23]. This is the call of Islam to reform, and prohibitions on corruption; to attend is to live, and to secure all on himself and his wealth, his honor and dignity, and the law of the jungle applied by the advocates of material civilization in this day and age, it is barbaric do not agree with what happened to him man of paper material, and the success in various fields of life. We - Muasher Muslims - are required to publish the call of Islam; to offer to the people of this light that is indispensable to them, and this is the Spirit, which is no life for them without him, and this humanitarian values that make self hear a knife and a good living and peace of conscience.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 12:02:52 +0000

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