Islam is the most dangerous religion in the entire world and poses - TopicsExpress


Islam is the most dangerous religion in the entire world and poses the greatest threat of all to the very Muslims who follow it. We can make excuses, pretend otherwise, speak of tolerance and acceptance until the cows come home, and that will change nothing. What can change is our appreciation and understanding of Muslims as individuals, why Islam presents such a threat, and the likely reality of why there isnt an avalanche of Muslims taking very vocal and public stands against lunacy. With 2 BILLION Muslims in the world, one should expect to see a whole lot more love coming from the Islamic world if Islam really was a peaceful religion, right? Not exactly, at least not in my books. It would certainly be nice to see mass demonstrations across the Middle East, with millions upon millions demanding a live and let live approach for all in life, but thats the very sort of thing that gets people dead. Personal interpretation of scripture that conflicts with the interpretations of the friendly neighborhood imam can have some very grave consequences depending on where you live. Pope Francis may excommunicate a Catholic but hes not sending out hit squads or inciting mob violence. Its a religion that you cant leave in many Islamic countries without risking serious consequences, up to and including DEATH. Try and wrap your head around the idea of being jailed or put to death just because you dont believe something anymore. Its a religion with snitches and Muslims outside Islamic countries need to be very careful about what they say if theyve got friends or loved ones in the thick of it. Say something offensive on Facebook from your home in America and your cousin or grandmother overseas could be in for a tough time because a friend relayed your thoughts and next years Hajj could be your last. What do our leaders do when a Muslim in the Middle East musters the courage, takes a public stand for freedom and love or maybe a little equality, then gets sentenced by the government to floggings and/or death? They wag their fingers, say a few random harsh words, then crack open the bottle of champagne to discuss improved business relations at the next meeting of big wigs. We talk of tolerance and acceptance while rubbing elbows with the very people who are intolerant of the diversity in the communities were supposed to be tolerant and accepting of. Why dont more peace-loving Muslims take a stand? Duh.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 22:53:43 +0000

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