Islam is the religion of peace. No doubt. Following up on the - TopicsExpress


Islam is the religion of peace. No doubt. Following up on the incident that took place in Paris, there must be clearly understood the prophet Muhammad is red line. No matter what happens. Islam also is a red line. In the recent years many anti Islamism and anti Islamists are insulting our religion and our people. They all have to know, Islam encourages Muslims to respect other religions and it’s a part of our faiths. However, some people ridicule their own religion and they give themselves the right to do the same to Islam. This causes hatter and frustration. On the other hand, it’s well known that Islam spread very fast and faster than any other religion along the history. The reason for this is that Islam regulate the society, set up rules for living healthy and in peace with one another, Islam is not only about worshiping Allah, but it is a TOTAL way of living from Childhood to Death and after. Islam planted the seed for the modern civilization that you see today. The zero was discovered by Muslims, algebra, blood circulation, the development of the embryo in the mother womb, and many more in various fields I.E. in engineering, medicine and even space. There are more than one and a half billion Muslims in the world. Recently, they became the richest nation on earth. Their problems are being controlled by western Government to use their resources. Oil & Gas, Minerals, their strategic locations for their international trade and even use their territories to market their products. The west also created an unlawful homeland for the Jews on Arab land. This has been the major problem that causes the great trouble in the area and one of the most complicated problems in the world. By protecting the Jews on our land and defending them against any trial of liberating the occupied Palestine, more trouble escalated in the area and lead to civil war by planning conspiracies between the political leaders. All these incidents are leading to what is happening today. As a result • Divided Middle East • Fight between the religious clans leading to civil wars • The downfall of Iraq to steal their crude oil that is mostly exported to China to eliminated their industry development and to stop dominating the world economy, and protect Israel from one of the strongest army in the region. • The control of the Suez Canal • And many more. I am not in favour of the retaliation the way they did it in France. But the Arabs & Muslim communities should find a policy and open dialogues to press on the European & American Government to press on their people to stop launching attack on the Prophet and Islam. This is because the sensitivity of the subject toward Muslims. Finally I see the Marsh today for the 11 journalists that were killed is good thing but in the mean time I see it as a joke. Have they thought about the millions that they were killed by their own weapon or by their support to some terrorist act created by them? Can they answer this? Watch the video to see how New York became Jew York
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:32:04 +0000

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