Islam, let me see if i can get this truth thru to your minds, why - TopicsExpress


Islam, let me see if i can get this truth thru to your minds, why didnt Prophet Noble Drew Ali (asa) talk about world war 1, which ended in 1914??? why didnt he spend time talking about the civil war??? why dint he spend a bunch of time with ALL of the things the U.S. and other EUROPEAN governments were doing??? why did he focus on what he focused on first??? the different European Governments of the world did a lot of things between 1913-1929, and he didnt PUBLICLY focus on any of them in our lessons, why??? for the same reason the police do not stop crimes 99.99% of the time. because the police are only called during, or after a crime, has been committed. and usually its AFTER it. so by the time the cops arrive the crime has already happened, so they chase down the subjects who committed the crime and take them to jail, if they catch them at all. it is a RARE occassion when the police are called in on time to actually STOP THE CRIME IN PROGRESS. and so, to STOP it from even happening, you must take PREVENTIVE MESURES, for example, if ten police officers are standing in a BANK with their pistols out, and riot gear on, 24 hours a day, that bank is NOT going to get robbed. now, which one is more important, being there BEFORE or AFTER the event (crime)??? this is a DIVINE MOVEMENT, not a POLICE FORCE chasing down eevrything AFTER it has happened when there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, exscept to REPORT IT, and we are not REPORTERS. we are SALVATIONISTS, SALVAGERS, SAVIORS, etc. and we must SAVE ourselves, and that first and foremost means PREVENTION. I am not saying bringing about JUSTICE is not important as well, it sure is, thats why its our FIFTH PRINCIPLE. but if you are not putting those PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN PLACE, then when those EVNTS take place, you actually got what you deserved. like that fact or not, if you know CRACK HEADS STEAL, and you allow people to SELL CRACK in your neighborhood, then when the CRACK HEAD BREAKS IN YOUR HOME, thats your fault. so we must BEGIN by SOLVING THE ACTUAL PROBLEM, which is not CRACK SELLING, it is POVERTY, which in turn drives people to NEED MONEY to the point where they will DO ANYTHING, and then CRACK SELLING becomes an option, and then the CRACK SCENARIO comes into the picture as an AFTER EFFECT. I focus on ENDING POVERTY, because I am not POLICE OFFICER whose job it is to chase every CRACKHEAD after he has stolen your stuff. a STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE!!! for example, I am raising nothing but MASTERS here, and MASTERS DONT SELL CRACK, DONT USE CRACK, and thus DONT HAVE CRACK URGES to end up robbing you for CRACK. while ones focus on the SYRIA issue, now that its in the news, who actually PREVENTED all of the EVENTS that led up to it??? who SOLVED ALL OF THE PROBLEMS that brought about the CONDITIONS that are now unfolding there??? and while ones chase after the US and SYRIA NEWS COVERAGE to ENTERTAIN YOU so they can be STARS, what about all of the other WARS being fought right now??? do you know how many people died in WARS today??? and what caused those conditions, and WHO STOPPED THEM BEFORE HAND??? obviously NO ONE. why is it that the U.N. has all of these ORGANIZATIONS paying BILLIONS and TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to HELP, RELIEVE and AID these countries, and yet their situations are only getting worse??? it is because there is a big difference between IMPROVING THE SITUATION, and CHASING AFTER BAD GUYS AFTER THE SITUATION HAS HAPPENED... why is it when you pull ONE crack dealer off the street, ten more pop up in his place??? the CONDITIONS HE LIVES IN. so the prophet (asa) told us we need STRONG MEN and STROGN WOMEN who know their CONDITIONS CAN BE BETTER. and the point is, that call was not going to brign everyone, because everyone did not fit that description. but those who ddi answer that call, their job became to first IMPROVE THEIR CONDITIONS, then go out and TEACH all of those who didnt answer the call to be STRONG MEN and STRONG WOMEN too, so they would now answer the call... this is what I have been speakjing about when I say FIVE BILLION SOLID, FIVE BILLION STRONG. I could make 10,000 VIDEOS talking about the US and SYRIA, and even if PRESIDENT OBAMA, the leaders of SYRIA, and everyone in the UN watched all 10,000 of them, they would still say, WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??? and when they realize I have no million man military, no boats, no planes, no none of that, they will say, NICE SPEECH, SOUNDED REALLY GOOD, and then go push all of the buttons they want to push... and why because I didnt put ANY OF THEM IN OFFICE, and I cant jump up and TAKE THEM OUT OF OFFICE tomorrow. and thats all they listen to, because its that POWER that can change THEIR CONDITIONS from being RULERS to being JOBLESS. we must learn how this whole thing REALLY works. and why dont we have that kind of POWER today??? because we have not done what we were supposed to do over the last 100 years, do you know its been 148 years since slavery ended, but people are still ACTING like we were freed last year??? we had the entire 1900s to get ourselves into POLITICAL POWER, and we failed to do it. but now all of a sudden an hour long VIDEO, or NEWS CONFERENCE, or STAGE PERFORMANCE is supposed to STOP what we havent even lifted a finger in determining for the last 100 years??? all we do is say, IM NOT VOTING, IN MOT BECOMING A MAYOR, SENATOR, OR CONGRESSMAN, THE POLITICAL SYSTEM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME, and then all of a sudden US might bomb SYRIA, and start soemthing big, and its WHOSE GOING TO SPEAK OUT FOR US??? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN DOING THT THE WHOLE TIME BY VOTING PEOPLE IN AND OUT OF OFFICE, ESPECIALLY YOUR OWN PEOPLE WHO YOU KNOW YOU CAN TRUST!!! we love to COMPLAIN, but we hate to COME INTO POWER, because we dont want to be RESPONSIBLE, we want to be THUGS, GANGSTERS, PUSHERS, RAPPERS, ENTERTAINERS, etc... while I focus on the REAL PROBLEMS and try to get them REALISTICALLY SOLVED before the LUNATICS you have been FOLLOWING destroy what planet we have left, while you listen to a good entertainer, who gets your emotions moving, but hasnt STOPPED ANYTHING, and isnt really trying to, they just want another PHOTO OPPORTUNITY. if you go thru my works you will see the ANSWERS TO ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS, beginning with everythig the PROPHET BROUGHT US, and WHY HE BROUGGT IT, everythign EDWARD MEALY EL taught about it, and everything I have been teaching about it. its time to grow up, and go about things in the ONLY WAY they will actually produce the results that we REALLY WANT, and then we have a shot at PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TOWARDS MAN!!! indeed!!!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 05:35:29 +0000

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