Islamic Chauvinism of Maudoodi. Self-conceitedness is obviously - TopicsExpress


Islamic Chauvinism of Maudoodi. Self-conceitedness is obviously visible in the literature of Jama’tay Islami. In view of a large segment of Muslim community, the literature of the Jamaat misleads a part of the immature but educated youth by confusing the raw mind of the Universities students with instilling antiquated ideas and antediluvian rituals. It has directly and indirectly contributed a lot in promotion of obscurantism dominating today’s Pakistan. It has brought the country to the brink of dark ages where enlightenment is starving and logic trampled by faith-led dictum of sanctimonious minds. “ Islam wishes to destroy all States and Government anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or Nation that rules it. About Jihad : : Islam requires the earth—not just a portion—but the whole planet” { Maudoodi} In the process of Islamic revolution, the founder of Jama’tay Islami, Maulana Maudoodi expressed his views: “ Muslims should be prepared to sacrifice all prospects of personal achievement, whatsoever obstructs the achievement of in worldly life” of course, including giving up friends and their own and their parents’ expectations to further the expansion of Islamic belief. He further explains, it is impossible to live under an “ alien State System” and simultaneously observe Muslim belief. He very loudly and clearly declares in his writings : ‘ All rules which he considers wrong ; all taxes that he deems unlawful; all matters which he believes to be evil; the civilization and the way of life, which in his view are wicked; the education system which seems to him as fatal will be banned soon after the capture the powers in the country, Pakistan. About female gender of minority, he explains: “ In Islamic country it will be obligatory for non-Muslim women to observe the minimum standards of modesty in dress as required by Islamic Law”. {Data collected from books available at ‘An Islamic bookstore in the east Toronto selling books that urge to usurp the Western world and install Islamic State in its place} Munir Report:- ‘ The hollowness of the demand for Islamic for an Islamic state laid bare in the 387-page Munir Report of 1954. The Ulema were divided in their opinions when they were asked to cite some precedent of Islamic state in Muslim history. A telling comment was made by Maulana Maudoodi who, when asked whether he would permit Hindus to base their constitution on their own religion, replied: “ Certainly, I should have no objection even if the Muslims of India are treated in that form of government as Shudras and Malishes and Manu’s laws are applied on them, depriving them of all share in the government and rights of citizen”. There is a lot pregnant silence in his statement. It is as I understand that we should coerce the minorities in Islamic Republic of Pakistan to adopt Islamic way of their lives if they want to live in Pakistan.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:53:42 +0000

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