Islamic Depictions of Mohammed Medieval Muslim artists often - TopicsExpress


Islamic Depictions of Mohammed Medieval Muslim artists often created paintings and illuminated manuscripts depicting Mohammed in full. Several examples are presented here. Other artists of the era drew Mohammed, but left his face blank so as to technically comply with a sporadically enforced Islamic ban on depicting the Prophet. In 1999, Islamic art expert Wijdan Ali wrote a scholarly overview of the Muslim tradition of depicting Mohammed, Ali demonstrates that the prohibition against depicting Mohammed did not arise until as late as the 16th or 17th century, despite the medias recent false claims that it has always been forbidden for Muslims to draw Mohammed. Until comparatively recently in Islamic history, it was perfectly common to show Mohammed, either in full , or with his face hidden . Even after the 17th century, up to modern times, Islamic depictions of Mohammed (especially in Shiite areas) continued to be produced. The images are Persian, 15th century, from a manuscipt entitled Miraj Nama, which is in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Taken from The Miraculous Journey of Mahomet, by Marie-Rose Seguy. Mohammed, along with Buraq and Gabriel, visit Hell, and see a demon punishing shameless women who had exposed their hair to strangers. For this crime of inciting lust in men, the women are strung up by their hair and burned for eternity. Persian, 15th century. Mohammed sees women strung up by hooks thrust through their tongues by a green demon. Their crimes were to mock their husbands and to leave their homes without permission. Persian, 15th century. zombietime/mohammed_image_archive/islamic_mo_full/
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:38:18 +0000

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