Islamic conquest of Andalusia Islamic conquest of Andalusia is the - TopicsExpress


Islamic conquest of Andalusia Islamic conquest of Andalusia is the Open, which he has done Umayyads to the Iberian Peninsula in the period between 711 AD and 714 AD led by Tariq ibn Ziyad and Musa Bin Naseer and the fall of the Goths Bank, and so begins the Islamic era in Andalusia, which duration of 800 almost a year until the fall of the Kingdom of Granada in 1492 AD. The situation in Spain before the Arab conquest Spain was in the final period of the Gothic rule, suffer politically and socially vulnerable makes them easy prey for any gas يغزوها from the south or from the north, the Spanish society at that time is divided into layers of controls on each other, classes were: 1. The upper layer consisting of the king and the nobles: It was not the King appoints hereditary but was appointed by election, the system was a royal election, but it ultimately led to competition between the nobles to reach the referee, resulting in a large number of plots, including which led to weaken the power of the state, and the members of this class have unlimited influence and their real estate property are many and this is exempt from property taxes. 2. Clerical class: the religion in the Middle Ages in Spain has wide influence, and it was the clergy enjoy unlimited influence politically and spiritually, as they participate in the election of the king nobility, and also had their property is exempt from real estate taxes. 3. The middle class: a free class that represents the people, plentiful indicate the prosperity of society and I said denoting اختلاله, in the recent period of Gothic rule, the number of members of this class a few, as were burdened taxes. 4. Underclass or slaves layer: They are the most numerous in the goth community in the recent period of Gothic rule, it was mostly working on farms in the nobility, and they were the property of the owner of the land and were transferred with the land if sold to someone else. 5. Layer of the Jews: the Jews were engaged in the financial and accounting work in government offices, and they hated the different religious faith, and therefore exposed to a lot of persecution, so they had sometimes to overthrow the regime revolutions, sometimes through conspiracies. The social situation in Spain before the Islamic conquest suffer corruption and disintegration and lack of cohesion, at the time of when Moroccan Alleradi became corresponding to Spain cohesive force gives them the opportunity to intervene. Andalusian Open introductions Taking Musa Bin Naseer thinks of open-Andalus, and he saw that he could be the Romans and Spaniards, "the people of Andalusia then the Goths and others" to attack North Africa at any time they want, because they have navies, and that they have the forces of great freedom is not for Muslims as paid or faces. He thought a far-sighted planning not in a hurry, and decided to establish freedom for Muslims to be able to repel the raids Goths and Andalusians فأسس of the naval base in Tunisia, and equipped in a few for nearly cent ship.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 21:20:39 +0000

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