Islamic saw in the library The Scientific Miracles in the Holy - TopicsExpress


Islamic saw in the library The Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran is: That the universe was one block and then a large explosion occurred Vfguet mass Alazy and split into several blocks , including the Earth and the moon and the sun and the stars ........... Etc: Allah said : { or not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were sewn ففتقناهما } [Prophets : 30]. Linguistic explanation : Ibn Manzoor said in San Arabs : Sewn : darn against hernia. The son of his master : darn welding and repair hernias , darning Ertgah and Ertgah sewn Varttq full . ففتقناهما : otherwise darn hernia , Vtgah Evtgah Fatqa : Apartment . Hernia : waxing انفلاق . Understanding the commentators : Imam Razi said in the interpretation of the verse : { Ulm who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were sewn ففتقناهما } . The commentators differed be Balrtq and the words of Hernia : One: This is the view Hasan and Qatada and Saeed bin Jubair and novel Sabri from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them that meaning were one thing ملتصقتين ففصل God between them and lift the sky to where they are, and acknowledged the earth, and this statement requires that the creation of the earth takes precedence over the creation of heaven because it says to separate them leave the land where they are and go up the heavenly parts , heel said : God created the heavens and the earth ملتصقتين then create wind Tostthma the Vvtgahma them. Second : It is the view of Abu Saleh Mujahid that sense : the heavens were high they made seven heavens as well as Alerdon . Third : It is the view of Ibn Abbas Hassan and more commentators that the heavens and the earth were sewn Balastewae and rigidity , God Vvtq sky rain and the earth , plants and trees , and his verse: { and Alrdja sky and earth fault } . And رجحوا this face on the other faces , saying afterwards : {And We made from water every living thing } and it is only fitting for the water attached to the foregoing , shall not be well if only to be what we are . Fourth: the view of Abu Muslim al-Isfahani : may be intended Bafattq : IGAD and Manifesting Kcolh : { Creator of the heavens and the earth } and Kcolh : { said, but Lord, Lord of the heavens and the earth , which Aftrhen }, was told about preexisting word hernia , and case preexisting word darn . I say (ie Razi ): and achieved that nowhere denied pure , it is not the women with a distinctive and objects mixed , but as it is one online similar If you find the facts , when existence and formation features from each other, and separated from each other Through this way Hassan make darn metaphor for nothingness and hernia to exist . Tabari said in the interpretation of the verse also : And saying : ففتقناهما says : Vsdanihama and Faragnahma then people differed in the interpretation of the meaning of Gods description of the heavens and the earth Balrtq , and how it was darn any sense hernia ? Some of them said : it meant that the heavens and the earth were ملتصقتين ففصل air their God is the view of Ibn Abbas al-Hasan and Qatada. Others said : It means that that the heavens Mrttqh the layer Vvtgaha the God making them seven heavens and the earth was well as Mrttqh the Vvtgaha making them seven earths . It was narrated from Abu Mujahid Saleh and Sudai . Others said: Me so that even the heavens were sewn not raining , and the earth as well as sewn not germinate , sky Vvtq rain and the earth, plant , which is narrated from Sabri and the gift and Ibn Zaid . Abu Jaafar said , Tabari : The first words the right thing , to say who said : the meaning of this : Did those who disbelieve that the heavens and the earth were sewn from the rain and plant Vvtguena sky بالغيث and land plants , but we said that the first right thing in this is a sign saying: We made from water every living thing on it . He guessed this to say Qurtubi in his interpretation as well . Historical introduction : Can return FIRST perceptions of human origins of the universe to the Stone Age before hundreds of thousands of years, where dominated by superstition on the human imagination and the evolution of the human mind when the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians , who demonstrated they have the link between an eternal universe and the gods multi controlling it, has tried to philosophers of ancient Greeks and Romans put theories of the phenomena while there was cosmic astrology Indian and Chinese civilizations . The property general printed perceptions of the universe when ancient civilizations are linked to the world of the gods and the firm belief that there fundamental difference between the earth and the sky, which did not allow to develop theories about the universe and how its inception, but after significant developments witnessed by humanity at the beginning of the twentieth century in the field of astronomical (Cosmology) In theory, with the general theory of relativity , which laid the framework Sports right to study the universe , as well as at the observational with the discoveries of the wonderful mysteries of space, it was necessary to develop a general theory of the integration of these data Introduction envisions a unified and homogeneous in order to explain the most important cosmic phenomena , including the origin of the universe . It has been suggested Reverend Belgian George Le Maitre (George Le Maitre) 1927, a new picture of the origins of the universe and its evolution has approval to that George Gamov (George Gamov) American physicist ( of Russian origin ) who presented ideas developed theory ( if Mitter ). Scientific Facts : - In 1927 Show the world the Belgian : George Le Maitre (George Le Maitre) Big Bang theory , which says that the universe was at the start of its inception, the mass gaseous great density, luster and heat, then the impact of the tremendous pressure derived from the intensity of heat explosion occurred great hernia mass gaseous and tossed their parts in each direction , Vtkont with the passage of time the planets , stars and galaxies . - In 1964 discovered worlds Banzias Penziaz and Wilson Wilson radio waves emitted from all parts of the universe have the same features of physical anywhere recorded it, was named by the light fossilized a light coming from times immemorial, and remnants of the Big Bang , which happened in seconds that followed the origins of the universe . - In 1989 sent the U.S. space agency Naza ( the NASA ) قمرها the artificial Cobe explorer who was sent after three years of accurate information confirms the Big Bang theory and plucked both Benzias and Uelssn . - In 1986 the Soviet space stations sent information supports the Big Bang theory . Scientific explanation : The question of origins of the universe of issues that spoke where philosophers and scientists but they were knock عشواء , has varied theories and perceptions that occur astronomer Belgian George Le Maitre (George Le Maitre) in 1927 that the universe was at the start of its inception, the mass gaseous great density and gloss The heat he called the cosmic egg . Then he got in this block , the impact of the tremendous pressure emanating from the severity of the heat , blast great فتتها and ejected with parts in every direction Vtkont the with the passage of time the planets , stars and galaxies . We have named some scientists this theory explosion Great Big Bang , according to astrophysicists today, the universe after the portion of the billions of billions of a second (10 -43) , and since about fifteen billion years ago was almost enormous mass sweltering sized ball does not reach the diameter part thousandths of a centimeter . In 1840 supported astronomer American ( of Russian origin ) George Gamov (George Gamov) Big Bang theory : Big Bang, which paved the way for each of the Worlds Banzias Penziaz and Wilson Wilson in 1964 , which picked by radio waves emanating from the across the universe have the same physical characteristics recorded anywhere in it, do not change with time or direction, became known as the light fossilized any light coming from times immemorial , a remnant of the Big Bang which happened in the seconds that followed the origins of the universe . In 1989 sent the U.S. space agency NASA قمرها , the artificial Cobe explorer , which was three years after sending accurate information to the ground confirms the Big Bang theory , and called this discovery the discovery of the twentieth century. These scientific facts mentioned book of Muslims , the Koran fourteen centuries ago , where it says Thirty verse of Al-Anbiya : { Ulm who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were sewn ففتقناهما } . The meaning of the verse that the earth and the heavens, including content of the galaxies , planets and stars , which constitute Bjmuaha the universe in which we live was originally a single block adherent and says { sewn } any ملتصقتين , as darn is sticking then happened to the Monobloc hernia any separation and explosion formed beyond galaxies , planets and stars , and this is what astronomers unveiled at the end of the twentieth century. Or this is not surprising compatibility of the minds , inviting them to search for the creator of this universe , reasoned reasons ? { Right from your Lord, so be of doubters } . Scientific references : Encyclopaedia Britannica has reported that in 1963 , commissioned laboratories Bell the Arno Benzias worlds and Robert Wilson, following the impact of radio waves that cluttered the progress of satellite communications . Discovered worlds Benzias and Wilson that whatever the direction of a radio station broadcasting it captures always waves of energy grainy light, even if the sky is clear , the easiest solution was to reconsider the design of اللاقطات to liquidate the waves of confusion , but they have been keeping tabs on the impact of these waves confused , was the discovery is important for space waves which proved the theory of the Big Bang . Benzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery in 1978 . The face of Miracles : Miracle in the face Quranic verse is its report that the origins of the universe after the Big Bang began after it was connected to one block , and that s what made clear and confirmed by astronomers Studies and satellite pictures in this era of abundance means to astronomy. apout hadjeres
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:49:54 +0000

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