Islamic terrorism where it stems from? Script extract from - TopicsExpress


Islamic terrorism where it stems from? Script extract from ‘Kill the Kuffars’ (non believers) Cal Sarwar speech/talk tour 2012 The al Qu’ran (recite) the Islamic book is an incredibly encrypted volume of verses and chapters and like I have said earlier it is beyond the understanding of us here on earth. The man it was revealed to through divine revelation over 1400 years ago, the prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him is no longer with us to rationalise decipher and convey its true meanings to us. In the book you can see whatever you want to see, you can interpret the verses and chapters in any way you want, there is no formula or guide to explain and elaborate the true meanings and don’t let any Islamic scholar tell you otherwise. Put six people 3 Muslims and 3 non Muslims in a room, take a verse from lets say repentance (war) chapter of the Qu’ran then ask them to interpret that same verse and don’t be surprised if you get 6 different translations. I believe that is because like I said the book is encoded in a way that there are many verses and chapters simply left open ended. The verses and chapters are such that you can if you wish accept the violent form and interpretation and you may be right in the eyes of God or take the peaceful anti violent stand and again you may be right too. And this is evident in the life of Muhammad (mpbuh) who at first whilst living in Mecca was a peaceful and withdrawn person who shied away from any kind of violence even self defence and became a refugee. Then a decade later operating from Madina he was leading armies of his followers into combat. There is no real verification on what is right and what is wrong on many aspects according to Islam. Violence and compassion are spread throughout the holy book equally. So you read the book and make up your own mind about the true meanings of those verses and chapters or you listen to and believe someone else’s interpretation which is exactly that. I see and hear scholars, clerics, hate preachers, terrorists , Dr Naik, Abu Hamza, Sheikh Imran Hussain, Muhammed Al Arifi, Yousof Estes, Anjem Chaudery, Osama Bin laden and many others preaching their very own interpretations or brand of Islam and who’s to say who is right or wrong? Only the author of this book the al Qu’ran the knower and creator. However my belief is that Islam was to be spread by ilm knowledge or education and not by the sword, bombs, guns or bullets. The word ilm is the most used word in the Al Quran second only to the word for god Allah. I believe Islam was the enlightening religion and ideology for peace, education and philosophy. In the golden years of Islam the 7th century, Arabic the language of the Quran was the most recognised and the official language of scholars. Great philosophers like Aristotle had their words written down in Arabic first and then some time later in Latin. Islam introduced the first human rights laws in the city of Madina the first city of Islam and again these laws now known as Shariah are immeasurably fair, righteous and then also incredibly barbaric in punishment for those who do not comply. Again who’s to say what is right and what is wrong? The uncertainty of clarification and understanding the lack of a viceroy, leader similar to the pope or an executive council such as that in the Vatican is what has allowed those that I have mentioned above and many others to conscript exclusive armies of followers some peaceful and others violent. The silence from the majority of peaceful followers of Islam and their failure to publicly denounce their opposing and violent brothers and sisters, the members of their Islamic Ummah (community) categorically proves to me that even they are not sure who is right and who is wrong. So when the final round of war on terror begins be assured the majority of the Islamic Ummah will side with their violent Muslim brothers and sisters rather than the ‘non believers’ or Kuffars.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:53:26 +0000

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