Islamofile of today Our President Obama quoted the Holy Quaran in - TopicsExpress


Islamofile of today Our President Obama quoted the Holy Quaran in a speech. He said Islam is a religion of peace, As the Holy Quaran says, I shall have my religion and you shall have yours He made Islam totally PC. But Islam is never PC. What does the Koran actually say? Lets read from the Koran, Sura IX Mecca Verses In the Name of allah, compassionate, and the merciful: Say O ye Believers, I worship not what ye Worship, And ye are not worshipers of what I worship; And I am not a worshiper of what ye have worshiped, And ye are no worshipers of what I worship; I vow your religion, and to me my Religion He continues further ;In the name of allah, the merciful, and compassionate, Say he is god, god everlastings He begetteth not and is not begotten, And there is none like him. (This is a denial of Christian dogma. Which states, the Son of God was Begotten not made and of one essence with the Father.) Islam is Anti Christ. Mohammed then continues In Sura XI: In the name of allah , the merciful and compassionate: Let the Hands of La Hab perish, and let him self perish. His wealth and sannas avail him not. Buried shall he be in fiery flame, and his wife laid on fire wood, and on her neck a rope of twisted palm fiber be. (This is not a metaphorical punishment in hell, but actual torture) Islamic Scholars teach the true context of these Sura. There was a sacred grove surrounding Mecca dedicated to the native gods. The Relative of Mohammad Abu La Hab had gotten control of the grove and the respect of the Meccan people. Abu La Hab seeing that Mohammed had a few followers, who did not want to share worship with non musims suggested a democratic tolerance. Abu suggested that, the followers of Mohammad alternate worship times, allowing both to share the kabba but not interfere with each others religions This was rejected by Mohammed. Abu then suggested, they make more distance and alternate years. One year Islam would have the kabba temple, and the next the traditional people. Mohammed said no, and wanted to kill Abu and his wife. NO tolerance of any faith but allah. Our respected President. Obama, was raised in a family with strong ties to Islam in Africa. How could Obama not know the true context of this sura? Possibilities are: 1. He is honestly ignorant 2. He is practicing Holy Deceit, or Takiya.. an accepted principal of Islam. 3. He is in spite of his reported long church ties, still emotionally tied to the enemies of the USA. It is normal for someone to be long affected by the cultural notions of his . natal family. Which is it? If justly ignorant as many of us are, it is a fearful thing. Yet how can one so closely tied be ignorant? 2. Holy Deceit is too terrible to even contemplate, as it is willful treason. 3. I can understand emotional ties, to family culture. Yet it still does not feel right.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 14:24:40 +0000

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