Islamophobia? Try Infidelophobia!!! Do you suffer - TopicsExpress


Islamophobia? Try Infidelophobia!!! Do you suffer spinal twinges when reading of Buddhist teachers shot in the back by Jihad terrorists? Are you prone to experience a slight jabbing pain in the side when hearing of another Israeli stabbed to death by the Palestinian Fedayeen? Do you get a sort of burning sensation in your sinuses upon learning of a family of Hindus forced into a house by the Mujahideen and set aflame? Is there a dry or scratchy feeling in the back of your mouth when told of a Christian getting their throat slashed by Islamists? How about old-school decapitation with a dull blade? Leave you feeling a bit light-headed? If so, then you may have Islamophobia, a new term that literally means a fear of Islam and its strict devotees. The United Nations recently held a seminar on Islamophobia, in which the “venerable” Kofi Annan, stated that “When the world feels compelled to coin a new term to take account of widespread bigotry – this is a troubling development.” [Kind of like “Oil for Food” which describes a corruption scandal wherein bureaucrats and member nations of a bloated, pompous, international organization rife with dictators are paid under the table to moralize by another dictator… anyway, back to Islamophobia.] Kofi goes on to say that Islamophobia has left “many Muslims around the world feeling aggravated and misunderstood, concerned about the erosion of their rights and even fearing for their physical safety.” If this gets Kofi all worked up, then we suppose that he’ll have plenty to say about Infidelophobia. It’s a condition that leaves a lot of people (infidels, in this case) concerned, aggravated and fearing for their safety as well, along with something else – a big pile of dead bodies. More than 10,000 in fact, and that’s just since 9/11/01 - and doesn’t even include the 3,000 murdered that day. Nor does it include the more than 30,000 others who have been maimed in nearly 2,000 fatal terrorist attacks tracked by TheReligionofPeace. The killers are always devoted Muslims, and sometimes the victims as well, but it’s all for the cause of killing infidels as inspired by the Qur’an and Hadiths, so let Allah sort the bodies out as they get delivered. Those whining about Islamophobia seem to be completely ignorant of the contingency between Jihad and a fear of Islam on the part of its victims. Their solution is not to cease the violence that causes fear, but rather to change the attitudes of non-Muslims. And who is it that is supposed to be bigoted? Let’s compare what we have thus far. Victims of Islamophobia, when they aren’t whining, supposedly spend their time worrying that they might be insulted, given the finger, or detained at the airport (in other words, pretty much the same things that happen to a lot of Americans everyday, sometimes concurrently). By contrast, victims of Infidelophobia don’t have it quite so good. They have to worry about horrific acts of terrorism in places where Muslims have a significant minority (Kashmir, The Philippines, Lebanon, Nigeria…) and flat-out subjugation in the areas under Islamic hegemony (Sudan, Iran, Indonesia and basically any other Muslim country). Even in the “Land of the Free” over the last three years, thousands of Americans have been killed in more than a dozen attacks for shopping, flying or simply showing up at work on time. Victims of Infidelophobia have good reason to be afraid because unlike Islamophobia, which may usually be categorized as a natural apprehension based on empirical observation, Infidelophobia is nurtured by thousands of radical imams in hate-filled sermons across the globe, as well as thousands of Islamist schools teaching extreme bigotry. There are even millions of Infidelophobes across the world, quite apathetic or even supportive of the many violent fanatics busily applying a literal interpretation of the Qur’an by killing thousands of infidels each year
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 08:13:32 +0000

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