Islams double standards are beyond what could be sanely called - TopicsExpress


Islams double standards are beyond what could be sanely called hypocrisy. Immigration, both legal and illegal, of those who follow Islam will be to the detriment of any country of any other faith (or none at all )that values liberty and freedom of the individual and expression. Values that Muslims take advantage of and for granted yet oppose with violence and outrage when it is against them, their actions or their ideology. Yet the freedom and liberty that the countries they are confronting have fought for are being assaulted by this ONE ideology with accusations of blasphemy and persecution. Countries they CHOOSE to go to because their own is in constant upheaval and non progressive. They leave their own countries because they say they are persecuted and want for a better life , to only then claim bigotry and persecution,., victimisation, in the places they are now rioting, and committing violent acts of aggression which is what they left in the first place. There is no difference between first, second , third generation Muslim. Unless they are apostate then they are taught the ways of the quran which makes them extremists regardless of whether they condemn or would commit acts of violence or not. Only the minority of extremists .... says it all. It is a direct confession that what they do is Islam. Its the Minorities they are causing the most death and destruction in the name of Islam around the world yet the majority do little to nothing except make excuses for it or claim it is the individual. 5 Muslim in a group of 100 may commit an act of violence against 1000 non muslim. 100 non muslim are slaughtered by the 5 muslim. 300 of those non muslim will show compassion and hold peaceful vigils and protests. 400 will confront the attack and want justice for it, 200 will fence sit. The 95 Muslim ? They will makes excuses and state it is the 5 individuals not Islam. Those 5 get away with it so get another 5. Then another 200 are killed and so it continues until the majority fear the minority and the non muslim are less than half. Minorities do more damage than the majority will ever recognise. Simplistic example but with with common sense and factually based. It took one to kill one officer and maim another, it took ONE to run down and kill several people and injure others, it took Five to plant bombs in Bali, it took TWO to kill and injure hundreds in Boston , it has now taken FIVE to kill 12 people and injure several more, it took ONE to kill 30 or more in a theatre. The MINORITY are the problem but the majority do nothing to prevent it. End of rant : TB
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:30:51 +0000

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