Ismaaiyl Brinsley Next Psyops? The Police officers were - TopicsExpress


Ismaaiyl Brinsley Next Psyops? The Police officers were allegedly working an “”“anti-terrorism drill”“” in Bedford-Stuyvesant when they were shot point-blank in the head by the lone gunman, identified by sources as Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, who had addresses in Georgia and Brooklyn. Just in case there wasnt enough tension between the black community and the police ~ or blacks and whites, why not add executed police that happen to be asian and latino ~ and the shooter? Ismaaiyl Brinsley - about as Mike brown looking as you can get without being Mike Brown. the cops werent working their normal beat, and the shooter isnt from New York. did he run? no, self inflicted gunshot wound. and he speaks Arabic. Moments after killing the two officers, he too was dead, having turned the gun on himself on a nearby subway platform as cops closed in. “I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today,” a person believed to be the gunman wrote on Instagram in a message posted just three hours before the officers were shot. “They Take 1 Of Ours…Let’s Take 2 of Theirs,” the post continued, signing off with, “This May Be My Final Post.” He used the hashtag ShootThePolice, along with two other hashtags referencing Garner and Brown. The Instagram page included an image of a silver automatic handgun with a wooden handle. Another image showed the same camouflage pants and distinctive blue sneakers worn by the gunman as his body was carried from the scene on a stretcher. Brinsley walked up to the suspected criminals/cops patrol car at the corner of Myrtle and Tompkins avenues, approaching from the sidewalk. The story from our accounts is suspicious especially since this line here indicates The tragic heroes were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill in Bedford-Stuyvesant when they were shot point-blank in the head by the lone gunman.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Psyops campaign also raises questions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ismaaiyl-Abdullah-Brinsley A suspected member of the Baltimore gang Black Guerilla Family shot and injured an ex-girlfriend Saturday, December 20, before driving to New York City, where he killed two NYPD police officers who were sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn. According to the Associated Press, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, walked up to the open passenger window of the patrol car and shot Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in the head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, two policemen are sitting in a car while participating in a terror drill, in broad daylight, when a guy with camouflage pants approach from behind and produce a pistol and shoots point blank trough the car window, in the head, the two unfortunate officers doing overtime work in a city hyped up with cop killing hysteria ? And the killer dies conveniently by self inflicted wounds ? His record reads like a patsy of choice and his name has strong Muslim connotations. Why would Ismaaiyl kill cops in Brooklyn, when Eric Garner was killed in Staten Island? Why would Ismaaiyl disgruntled about white cops killing black men, travel 196 miles, only to shoot an ASIAN cop & a HISPANIC cop? This lady filming seems like a plant. She does more talking that filming. Also, how did the other cops & ambulance GET THERE SO FAST? Also the typical zionist-presstitute media is now quicklywhipping the anti-Muslim psychosis into a frenzy I think they are desperate to stop the mostly European pro-Palestinian trend dead in its track - and taking stupid chances from Canada to Australia - This is yet another FalseFlagPsyops - FFPO - 2FP-ops check out these quotes below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From : TheManWhoAssasinatedNYPDCops But new information has been revealed that may suggest that Brinsley was following the Islamic State’s (ISIS) order to kill policemen — just as with the jihadist convert who killed a Canadian Soldier in October. And if so, it would be just the latest example of how the race-baiting radicals who have exploited the Ferguson-sparked unrest have united with Muslim radicals from the Middle East. Brinsley was a Muslim convert, according to the NYPost and Atlas Shrugged. He had a lengthy criminal record in Georgia and Maryland, including assault and gang activity. If there was a radical Muslim connection to the Mike Brown/Eric Garner revenge motive, it would not be the first. Hamas terrorist supporters marched on the Brooklyn bridge last weekend: And one of the principal leaders of the Ferguson protest movement is “Palestinian” radical Bassem Masri, who we exposed on video threatening police officers and their families last month before riots exploded: “You will never be safe, never in your life. None of you. Not you, not your children – none of you will be safe. Without question, a terroristic threat. So where was the FBI or Eric Holder’s DOJ to take action? They were too busy hating on “racist” cops. The same cops who were murdered today in a anti-police hate crime, and now a possible Muslim terrorist act. Was Brinsley a part of the Muslim-Sharpton protests on the Brooklyn Bridge? Was he motivated by the Al Sharpton marchers in NYC last weekend who chanted “What do we want? DEAD COPS!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As we now seen in those series of quotes the meanstream media and the Zionists bloggers are whipping these lies and subversions for everything theyre worth. sound anymore like old COINTELPRO tactics? in closing a violent society can not create anything good.... it has been proven through the centuries that violence begets violence.... if a society needs to be maimed by opposing forces to create civility... it has lost it`s amount of laws will change that... the poor common man and woman is left to circumvent the chaos that is unleashed by the total breakdown of society... in time of chaos, it`s every man for himself... don`t expect to find normal rationale for current events... it`s like trying to find reasoning in a mentally disturbed person... you folks should prepare and accept the reality.... things will get worse...the opposing forces will simply get more agressive.... this is a basic law of natural instict .
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:35:42 +0000

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