Ismael Omar Guelleh of Djibouti for example, made it clear he - TopicsExpress


Ismael Omar Guelleh of Djibouti for example, made it clear he won’t accept more than 10% of parliament seats for the opposition. guelleh follow pure anti-democratic agenda. People and their ideas do not matter in Guelleh rules. Those of us who believe that all people deserve access to peace and democratic rights repeatedly say, that people of any country should not be muzzled from speaking their minds, they should be free to write and should be free to expose the truth as people see it, opposing ideas should be welcomed as long as they are not violent, and there should be a rule of law and a constitution where the people formulate their own system of governance.. Anything short of that is repressive and no support should be given to such governments. Guelleh is totalitarian means total dictatorial control. Citizens are constantly harassed,. The government bribes private citizens to spy on other citizens. Neighborhoods are constantly watched by these recruits and are known to report to government officials of any suspicious moves. Guelleh invest their resources on spying. By brain washing and controlling the young and impressionable, they seek support and reverence. School curriculum is prepared and implemented by the ruling party. Religious groups are discouraged or completely shut down by the government and the recent example Al Biri. Private schools are required to submit their curriculum to the government. The worthless Ismael Omar Guelleh of Djibouti is an example of such practices and controls. Guelleh is spreading fear among the people, and place himself as their only salvation. Manufacturing an external threat, Guelleh is not accountable to anyone therefore, it is easy to decide on anything without consultation. Peace and stability is seen as a threat to his power, and therefore, Guelleh have to work overtime to create political chaos inside and outside t his country.. Dictator Guelleh cannot fix the economy, the people of course suffer. But according to Guelleh it is never his fault. In fact he promised to make Djibouti the Singapore of Africa, instead he produced the best singers and the country ended up to be Sing-a-poor. For Guelleh it is either the “imperialists”, “the foreign enemies”, “the country’s selfish merchants”, “the Oulemas groups” or “natural draught” etc.. However, where Guelleh rules famine is almost always “man-made” and the maker is the dictator Guelleh himself. Guelleh like to hide things and he does it by controlling the media and propagates the issue. In other words, he distorts the truth, even at the cost of sufferings and starvation of the people. In a free country however, because of the freedom of expression vices like famine are exposed quickly which helps to solve the problem before people suffer.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:05:06 +0000

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