Isms and ologies - I am sorry if I offend anyone with this, but - TopicsExpress


Isms and ologies - I am sorry if I offend anyone with this, but what is the point of them... When, what I have seen over the last while is -- what your party is doing (here or overseas), or the votes ye are achieving or lets keep talking and debating things.. I have seen books written of Revolution, but by feck, the people who wrote them are more like kids in the playground... I am not posting this to offend anyone - but what have these achieved other than opposition? I have looked into it - but lost every ounce of faith in it.. The people I have met are independent people who are trying, above and beyond protests - its not only what we can fight against (although that is a big part) its what we can do to help and create solutions to!!!We are only at the start of our journey - but we look forward to the road ahead and the people we can help!!! I am in no way underestimating people who have chosen a party, that is your choice and many of you are very fine people - but there is so much talk and rhetoric - when are positive solutions put in place, other than - this is what the government could have done Again, apologies if I offend - but you are more than welcome to have your say...
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 23:01:15 +0000

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