Isnt Facebook great? It gives us the opportunity to give - TopicsExpress


Isnt Facebook great? It gives us the opportunity to give recognition where it is due. Each day until my book hits the shelves, I’d like to take the focus off of me, and put it where it belongs…on those who helped me in my writing journey. Todays gratitude spotlight is on Graham Shelby. If you want to read something with heart, check out Grahams amazing story about meeting his father for the first time...its a story that has stayed with me. You can find it here: I dont know Graham well. In fact, weve never had a real conversation. But Graham gave me a gift, though he probably doesnt know it. While at Spalding, the students can sign up to do a five minute reading for an audience of their peers. Id been to some of these readings, and was quite impressed at the level of writing. I knew I wasnt there yet. So I sat and listened, and yes, was maybe a wee bit envious that my peers had the guts to read their work out loud. I made a remark one day that I was a listener, not a reader. She sat back and said, Youre going to have to get over that. I kicked myself for making that remark, and wanted to kick her too. How dare she call me out like that. Didnt she know my self esteem was in the toilet? That I was a wingless wonder? There was no way I was outing myself. What if they all laughed at me? For. Get. It. So I listened for one semester. Two. Then semester number three rolled around. You know what they say about when youre in Rome? Everyone else seemed to be reading, and they were doing it without throwing up. The first time is always the hardest, you know, and in a moment of I-want-that-to-be-me I signed up. Even so, I sat in the back of the room where I could make my escape, planning my excuse. Id say Id been stricken with an onset of laryngitis. But then, there was Graham. He was on the stage with that way of his that puts you instantly at ease, and he called my name. Too late to bolt for the door. Too late to say Id overdosed on the cookies on the table in the back of the room. So I made my way to the stage. I read without fainting, thank you very much. When I was finished, Graham was laughing, but for the right reasons. He announced the name of my Life with Charley blog so people could read more of my work. God, how I needed that. Especially from someone like him. We all need someone to validate us. That someone who applauds our work. That someone who puts us at ease when were faced with our biggest fear. That someone who reminds us that it is just as important to applaud others as it is to be applauded. At residency that someone for me was Graham. Who is it that validates you? Who is the Graham in your journey?
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:25:17 +0000

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